


You all rememberCanti know how they say pets resemble their owners and vv?

Well, have an AU where all the Septic Egos are normal humans (?) with cats that look just like them and vice versa; they even generally act like them, too.

So, whenever they get together (they all live in the same apartment building but different apartments [with Sean as landlord] so they’ve become good neighbors; some are even balcony buddies): their cats cause a BUNCH of trouble!

Making them The Tired Cat Dads.

But Bonnie this was a legitimate debate in my head like no joke I wasn’t sure rofl The initial idea was that they’d be some kind of non human so Marvin could have his magic cat familiar but then I was like no wait that’s gonna distract form, like, their cat dad ness (?) and it also occurred to me that it’d probably add, like, SuperHero/SuperVillain shenanigans with Anti and Jackie and this isn’t that AU!!!

But like… also… they could be HIDING nonhuman things… << >> hehehe
