#bones imagine


The End in The End

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I awoke to the sound of metal being thrown around, and the crunching of minerals. I felt light headed. I squeezed my eyes closed, opening them again, adjusting to the darkness I was engulfed in. There seemed to be this layer of dust in the air. I began to slowly turn my head around, taking in my surroundings. There was a large beam crushing my legs, but I assumed I was in shock. ’ . What used to be the Jeffersonian, was now nothing but piles of rubble. It was then that it came back to me, the explosion. The bomb. I groaned as I tried to sit up. I used my arms to prop my torso up, and I began to examine my legs, from the little I could see of them. There was a lot of blood, and I knew that within the next forty five minutes, it’d be fatal.

“Brennan!” Angela. I yelled back, “Angela! Help! I’m over here!” She came around the corner, pushing through the rubble to get to me. “Oh my god, Y/N.” She said as she rushed to me, kneeling beside me. “You-your legs.” She said in shock, covering her mouth with her hand. “I can’t feel them.” I replied.

“Angie!” Hodgins called. “I’m okay! I’m over here, I found Y/N.” Angela replied. Hodgins rolled through the trail Angela had made, making his was to us. “Oh my god, we need to get that off of her, now.” He said, referring to the beam of metal crushing my limbs. They counted to three, and pulled it off of me. Angela then placed me onto Hodgins’ lap, and we went to a clearing in the Jeffersonian. Booth and Brennan were already there. Brennan immediately made her way to me when she saw me. “We need stop this bleeding, now. She’ll bleed out.” She said. Angela laid me on the floor. Brennan then took off her lab coat, and Booth tore it up and used it as a tourniquet.

“How long has it been since the explosion?” I asked. “I’d say roughly a half hour.” Booth said. We sat on the ground for another fifteen minutes I’m guessing before firefighters broke through the wall and saved us. They brought in a gurney and took my outside, all I could think about was Aubrey. I wanted him to know that I was safe. As I was left under a tent, I heard Aubrey. He sounded angry. “Why won’t you let me see her?!” He yelled. After a moment, I heard footsteps in the grass, and within seconds Aubrey’s face was right in front of mine. “Oh my god, Y/N.” He let out a breath of what I can only assume was relief. He held my face in his hands, he wiped hair and blood off of my face and kissed me. “They’re getting your ambulance ready okay? I’m gonna ride with you.” He informed me.

He held my hand all the way to to ambulance, and stayed by my side as they rushed us to the nearest hospital. “Did you think I was dead?” I whispered, my voice tired. I myself, tired. “I-The idea of you being gone was there.” He said, his eyes welling up. “Am I gonna lose my legs?” I asked him. He sighed, a tear dropping of if his face and onto me. “Y/N…“ “Just tell me.” I pushed. “I-I don’t know. Probably.” He replied. “I can’t feel them.” I told him. “It’s okay.” He said. “You know I was really worried, I was just in the office, and everyone’s getting calls, and I just over hear that the Jeffersonian blew up. I didn’t even get a call.” He sighed, “No one called me, what if I never saw you again.” “But you did get to me, you’re right here.” I said, grabbing his hand in mine. “I know, but I brought a little something for you.”

He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a velvet box. My eyes welled up, my mouth agape. “This isn’t how I planned this, but the thought of losing you without telling you just how much you mean to me, is the worst thing I’ve ever experienced. I want you to marry me, Y/N.”

“Yes.” I whispered, and he kissed me, tears running down his face and onto mine.

