
 ✨Oggi è la Giornata mondiale della felicità. Credo con tutto il ❤️ e il che la felicità sia il fine

✨Oggi è la Giornata mondiale della felicità. Credo con tutto il ❤️ e il che la felicità sia il fine della nostra esistenza.

✨Amo tante frasi sulla felicità, oggi ne ho scelte due, quella della foto, di Jorge Luis Borges, e questa di Marguerite Yourcenar, letta tempo fa in un post di Alessandro Michele quando qui su IG era ancora lallo25.
“Qualsiasi felicità è un capolavoro: il minimo errore la falsa, la minima esitazione la incrina, la minima grossolanità la deturpa, la minima insulsaggine la degrada”. (da “Memorie di Adriano”).
✨Proteggete i vostri sogni, cercate la direzione verso la vostra felicità, sempre❣️

✨Today it’s the International Day of Happiness. I believe with my whole ❤️ and that happiness is the aim of our existence.
✨I love many words that have been spoken and written about happiness, I’d like to share with you all of them!
For this day I chose two quotes, the one for the photo,by Jorge Luis Borges, and one by Marguerite Yourcenar, from “Memoirs of Hadrian”. I read them time ago on Alessandro Michele’s IG account, when he was still lallo25.
“Happiness is a masterpiece: the slightest error compromises it, the slightest hesitation undermines it, the slightest excess corrupts it, the slightest vulgarity defiles it.”
✨Protect your dreams, look for the direction towards your happiness, always❣️

#worldhappinessday #bonheur

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A Grey Horse in a Field, 1873, Rosa Bonheur

A Grey Horse in a Field, 1873,Rosa Bonheur

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Landscape with Cattle, 1856, Rosa Bonheur

Landscape with Cattle, 1856,Rosa Bonheur

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Going to Market, 1851, Rosa Bonheur

Going to Market, 1851,Rosa Bonheur

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The Stag, 1875, Rosa Bonheur

The Stag, 1875,Rosa Bonheur

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Sheep in a Landscape, Rosa Bonheur

Sheep in a Landscape,Rosa Bonheur

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Three Wooly Sheep, Rosa Bonheur

Three Wooly Sheep,Rosa Bonheur

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The Return from the Mill, 1870, Rosa Bonheur

The Return from the Mill, 1870,Rosa Bonheur

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Stag and Doe in a Landscape, Rosa Bonheur

Stag and Doe in a Landscape,Rosa Bonheur

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Arab and a Dead Horse, 1852, Rosa Bonheur

Arab and a Dead Horse, 1852,Rosa Bonheur

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Shepherd of the Pyrenees, 1888, Rosa Bonheur

Shepherd of the Pyrenees, 1888,Rosa Bonheur

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Boeufs du Cantal, Rosa Bonheur

Boeufs du Cantal,Rosa Bonheur

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Large Wooly Sheep (also known as Wether), Rosa Bonheur

Large Wooly Sheep (also known as Wether),Rosa Bonheur

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rosa-bonheur: Landscape with Cattle, 1856, Rosa Bonheur


Landscape with Cattle, 1856,Rosa Bonheur

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