#bonnie diamond



I always wanted to make a little baby for Dawn

She is Bonnie Diamond, Dawn and Lucas daughter (Fortuneshipping), she is a little girl full of energy.

Although she is only 6 years old, she is a pretty smart young girl , her first pokemon was a togepi, which she affectionately calls “Togepipi” or “Topi”

she always dresses in her pink coat, which was a gift from her grandmother, yes, she loves pink things.

she gets along very well with Star (who she considers her cousin) and Cyrus (who she calls “uncle Cyrus”) she also maintains this family relationship with Cynthia, Lucian and Neon.

At the moment she does not have much idea of ​​what he wants to do specifically, maybe one day she will change her mind.

She has a long time to decide…
