
Trunks deciding what to do with Android 18 What should Trunks do to Android 18 after she had destroy

Trunks deciding what to do with Android 18

What should Trunks do to Android 18 after she had destroyed all the world’s population and they are the only ones alive?

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She had never been seized before. To have a man’s hands run over her not as a lover, but as a

She had never been seized before. To have a man’s hands run over her not as a lover, but as a claimant, someone to possess… it had taken some getting used to. The heady euphoria that had rushed through her veins that first time had diminished to an amount that she could just about handle, but it was still very much there.

She had thought she knew sex, knew what she liked and didn’t like. The sweaty embraces, the clinging to one another as if your very lives depended on it. The mumbled nothings in one another’s ears, the kisses. It seemed fine, something she could enjoy and enjoy and never truly tire of. And then he’d come along and spoiled it all, with a hand around her throat and the other between her legs. Claimed and controlled, sex that wasn’t between two equals, but an aggressor and the aggressed. 

It scared her how it made her melt. Fear gripped her almost as much as the excitement, the depraved things he seethed into her ear making the hairs stand up on the back of her neck while forcing her legs to squeeze together. The palm against her neck making her tense and squirm. 

She wasn’t going to get used to it. She didn’t want to get used to it. Because the fear was part of the attraction, and if it ever became mundane she was terrified of where she’d go to next.

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