


y'all I just realised

tumblr is a website that wasn’t designed to produce any specific kind of content, and in the end it mostly boils down to shitposts that mean absolutely nothing, and american political discorse where all sorts of liberals and communists duke out about which way is the best to oppose the political right

this is a None Website With Left Beef


I watched the latest BNHA and they retcon-fixed my FAVORITE extremely ridiculous and out-of-place detail. I’m mourning.

In like episode 5 when Aizawa is introduced we learn he expelled the whole previous year of freshmen in his class. Like Horikoshi was sitting there going “how do I make it clear Deku’s new hardass teacher really is a threat?” and went with “he expelled all 20 kids last year.”

Well apparently Horikoshi realized how batshit insane that was because 100 episodes later he’s is like “actually that was a ruse. Aizawa expelled and re-enrolled them. It was a life lesson about stuff.”

And I’m in shock because that was my FAVORITE stupid ridiculous detail my FAVORITE. The possibilities were ENDLESS. Can you imagine? The MOST prestigious school in the country whose sports festival is the new Olympics and this fucker just AXES a whole class?

“U.A. admission rate is 1 in 600 actually statistical error. U.A. admission rate is really 1 in 300. Shouta Aizawa, who expels all his students and should not have this much power, is an outlier adn should not have been counted”

This fucker is keeping HAGAKURE and MINETA, but supposedly he iced the entire previous 20 students????? There’s just a HOLE in the student body moving up the class years without enough kids??

“Attention World: the 2nd year competition for the U.A. Sports Festival is canceled on account of there Are None.”

We literally NEVER see a Class 2 student I LOVED that ridiculous continuity. We have Class 3 students and Class 1 students but NEVER anyone from Class 2. Class 2 teachers walk in every day and twiddle their thumbs in an empty room going “man I wish I had students.”

Can you imagine the tuition loss?? No actually not even the tuition loss, but I bank U.A. gets their ridiculous funding from Super Celebrity alums who funnel money back into U.A. like they’re Harvard grads. Expelling 20 kids was dollar signs going up in smoke.

Nedzu: “Due to no students, we have to slash the U.A. budget this year. We’re letting go of half the teaching staff.”
Teacher: “Could we maybe just build fewer replica cities to demolish?”
Nedzu: “We cannot.”

And Horikoshi decided to FIX that. Just FIXED it without a second thought. I feel like I just watched a glitch get patched in a video game. I’m mourning. I’m heartbroken. Please undo it I wanna play through the Class 2 Skip Speedrun Route again so bad.


A warforged that wildshapes into mechanical animals. I call it…. a dro-id

i’m so bad at comforting people i just quoted shameless to an 8 year old

berlin is robinphobic
