#boost boost boost



Friendly reminder to stop reposting other artists’ hardwork. They put a lot of effort and time to create (days and often weeks even), and you reposters just took it and post it within 5 seconds.

“Credit to artist/ credit to ????/ credit found in google or Pinterest” is not a proper credit.

IF you ask and the artist gives you permission, only then you are allowed to post and give credit. Other than that, no. Big NO.

But please refrain from reposting. You are taking away the artist’s engagements. There are times when a reposter’s post has received more engagements than the original artist’s. This is very discouraging. So please stop posting others’ artwork. There’s a reblog/retweet/share/ story share button for a reason.



The user @/gravoche is reposting art without credit or permission. They use to be @/burochi. It’s incredibly disrespectful, and quite frankly just wrong. I have personally seen some of the art they post here on tumblr on Twitter first from foreign artists who I know do NOT allow a repost of any kind. This user doesn’t even have links to go check out the artist.

If you have reblogged anything from them, please delete it. And remember you aren’t a bad person for reblogging the art. They have taken incredibly beautiful pieces and posted it as some artists do on tumblr. However—we should not be supporting them with reblogs and likes.

These are some of the fandoms they are reposted art for: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Fate/Grand Order, Golden Kamuy, One Punch Man, Pokémon, Twisted Wonderland, BnHA, Naruto, Magi, Vocaloid, Re:Zero, One Piece, AOT, Death Note, JJK, Persona 5

I tried reaching out to them via a PM, but they have since blocked me.





This could save lives so I thought I’d share!

It’s spooky month and soon be holiday month.

Anyone going to parties and gatherings be safe!

Reblog save a life


Just to add, if your drink suddenly tastes really salty, PUT IT DOWN! Go to someone you trust and if you start feeling unwell, go to the hospital.



I saw this on Tiktok and thought it needed to be passed on. Pololū Valley is sacred land currently at risk of being developed into yet another “scenic tourist attraction” for profit. Activists like @/melemaikalanimakalapua on Tiktok are fighting to have this petition seen by as many people as possible in order to prevent the senseless destruction of this land.

Note that the petition says not to donate to change.org–donations to change.org do NOT protect Pololū Valley.

I hope that by spreading this to tumblr, I can help it reach more people. Please sign this and reblog it if you can!




HI GUYS! i’ve made a gofundme for top surgery costs!

mostly i’ve made it because i’m gonna do a post it note sale soon and I want the funds from it (and future print/post it sales) to go directly into my surgery pot, but feel free to pop in £5 or whatever if you feel like it! if you’ve enjoyed my art or fic or anything! it’s weird asking for help! but good! and what if my gay little drawings of the gay little angel help me get my gay little surgery?!?!?!?!!!!!


okay finally… commissions are back open

I’ve really missed doing them so pls slide into the dms if you wanna discuss anything!!!

I’ll draw lesbians, star wars, and everything in between gdjfh rts are appreciated!!
