#borhap cast


their friendship is so underrated

The Queen Fandom Agrees On:

from: @/qualityqueenmemes

and @/isendjoequeenmemes

on ig stories / unpopular opinion


In this house we:

  • Respect Freddie’s memory
  • Respect John’s privacy
  • Respect Brian’s mental health
  • Respect Roger’s intelligence

- We DON’T mock at John being reserved and we DON’T do cringey jokes upon his private life.

- We DON’T mock at Brian’s depression

- We DON’T mock at Roger saying “he wants to fuck his car”.

- We DON’T blame Freddie’s death (he lived in a DIFFERENT context than now).

  • We don’t daily complain about Borhap movie (we KNOW IS A MOVIE AND NOT A DOCUMENTARY).
  • We RESPECT Borhap cast and each one’s privacy
  • We KNOW that Ben Hardy isn’t only a pretty face with a god body.
  • We RESPECT Rami and Lucy relationship and don’t blame them or wish they would separate (BREAKING NEWS: THEY HAVE ANNOUNCED MARRIAGE AND I’M FUCKING HAPPY )



Attention BoRhap fandom

Since most of the toxic people in this fandom have left, us the remaining ones can we all now please co exist and stan our boys in peace. I didn’t see any drama in months and it honestly made me feel so much better that I can enjoy my content in peace, I wish everyone else can feel the same way. I remember us as a joyful and peaceful fandom who all loved and supported each other through everything, let’s do that again. Lets all love and respect each other again and that means no teas, no rumors, no fake dms, no hate to the cast (especially Lucy and Allen), and please no hate towards eachother. If you don’t like someone’s fanfic don’t read it no need to hate on that person, if you like it recommend it to another fan. We are just about to get content. Gwilym is currently having a movie, Allen is having an upcoming movie for which he will do press, Ben is about to start filming or is already filming a movie and will soon promote 6 Underground, Rami has Mr. Robot and Bond 25, Lucy has the Politician and Joe is working really hard on his next movie, it means allot to him because he wants some of the BoRhap cast in it. He wants to respond to fans’s DMs but is to busy making this movie for us, and lets not forget Queen is embarking on their Rhapsody tour. This isn’t the end of the boys or the end of them hanging out trust me. Now more than ever do they need fans and support to see they have support beyond BoRhap and it should be the only thing to matter now. Not who’s dating who, not who is following who, not who’s getting married to who, not who has tea on who. Stuff like that don’t matter, what matters is that we stay strong and united. Ffs the Queen fandom has been active since the 70’s and still going strong, why can’t the BoRhap fandom do the same. Let’s all love eachother and respect each other the way Freddie would have wanted us to

this performance has everything.

  • Freddie in those shorts
  • Roger with his clown wig
  • Brian with a scarf
  • sassy Deaky with a happy hat :}

I feel just like a masochist right now

I mean, it was a really bad day and now I’m watching Joe crying, how can I be still alive?


sorry for the bad quality :/

This is a petition to have Joe create Cardy B’s instagram profile.

My phone has divided the photos based on the facial recognition and in the middle of Rami’s photos there was one of Freddie, I’m crying.


Deacy: Don’t worry, it’s baby shampoo.

Freddie: Did you buy some baby shampoo for Roger?

Deacy: No, but at least he stops screaming.

“The dog whisperer”

Ben on his Instagram account

New outtake of Ben’s photoshoot for Esquire Kazakhstan.

Credits: benhardystan on Instagram

“Smile! It’s Christmas ”

Ben’s new post on his Instagram!

Ben with his friend recently!

Credits to hardyhoe_ on Instagram

And I’m here to say that I’M BACK!

College finally let me go and I just finished my last semester.


I officially have my law degree and I still don’t know how I don’t went crazy in the last 5 years.

The bad side of it is that my graduation party was going to be in March, but because os the new Coronavirus it was postponed to the end of 2021, but is good to be back ☺️

Gwilym in his Instagram story
