#boring personal bullshit


Sitcoms and the like have led me to believe that people are like, not as enamored of their partners when they’re not all dolled up, like going from ‘I only see you on dates’ to ‘I see you when I wake up in the morning’ is some kind of hurdle. Which I always suspected was entirely fucking stupid and made-up for cheap drama, but can heartily confirm that when Athena wakes up in the morning, when she’s tired, rumpled, and groggy, she’s still the hottest person I’ve ever seen.

Dinner tonight was Bangladeshi soups + wraps from a local place. Never had it before, but it was really good. 

There are many advantages to living in a more cosmopolitan place.

I notice wraps are pretty popular up here from any number of different restaurants- from the Tim Horton’s breakfast wrap to the flank steak wrap I had tonight. I feel like this only supports my hypothesis that the burrito is the perfect food.

Brief personal update:

Slowly getting a bit more physically capable than I was, just from walking a short distance almost every day on top of the stairs at Athena’s place. When I got here, I couldn’t climb them without my heart pounding. Now it’s no big thing. With any luck the trend will keep up and I’ll soon be able to do a normal amount of walking without difficulty. That’s the downside to being a sedentary bastard with a car for when I do need to go out- my legs were basically jello and my lungs were also pretty terrible. I’m not in any danger of turning into a trim and healthy guy, but it’d be nice to be less round and tired.

Back to running my d&d game next week. Will be interesting to run it from Canada, but I’ve got lots prepped so hopefully things go well. Hopefully the PCs have fun uncovering mysteries and having challenges.

Everyone’s being really nice to me, way nicer than my dumb brain insists I deserve. So the thing to do is to try and be worth being nice to, you know? If they’re going to be doing it anyway. Still looking for an opportunity to treat the household to dinner or something.

In cultural acclimation news I now have an Official Tim Horton’s order. It’s a “double-double,” meaning two sugars and two creams in my coffee, but that’s really weird to me as a former Californian, because a “double-double” there is a two-cheese two-patty burger from In-n-Out. Still miss In-n-Out, but Harvey’s is a good Canadian burger chain with reasonable prices so I won’t go insane from the lack. 

When I get back to the US I am going to MASSIVELY condense my 40k collection- try and sell what I can, give away what I have to, only keeping like 2k points for a few armies. I have way more than I need of… everything. Probably keep the biggest- my Ultramarines -for apocalypse games but the rest is getting way curtailed. That’s for like six months from now Jake though.

At some point going to have a sit-down with an immigration lawyer to explore options on how the hell I can actually make the move a permanent thing and not just be constantly shuttling back and forth, but that is not this day. 

tbh i’d probably want to marry Athena just for how good of stew she cooks; everything else is just icing on the cake

At a bbq with Athena and some of her friends. Good burgers, good times. Also there were some chicken hearts bbq’d up due to a request by our Ukranian refugee friend. Tried one- not bad. Honestly just tasted like a little fried bit of regular chicken meat, so I had a couple more.

Now to nurse a hard cider so as to develop a buzz but not go into insulin shock

Brief personal update:

The biggest difficulties I have faced in Canada (other than getting here in the first place) have been dealing with normal springtime temperatures (it is so hot when you’re as overweight as I am with such a shitty internal thermostat) and walking around more, and also walking up the stairs in Athena’s house.

I am happy to report that my legs at least are adjusting well to the stairs, though it will probably be some time before my lungs catch up.

There is a quintessentially Canadian burger chain called Harvey’s, which I had tonight. That was a kick-ass burger, good job, Canada.

Wasn’t sure I’d be able to get good Mexican food in Toronto, but I am happy to report I just had a very cromulent carnitas burrito. Had a genuine food-truck sort of feel to it despite coming from a small shop. The shop also sells horchata and jamaica and serves their tacos street style so I think they’ll be a really good go-to when I crave Mexican.

good day #3 in Canada so far, though I am… way out of shape

have been doing pretty normal and low-impact walking type activities like once per day, but that plus the house stairs has made my legs feel like jelly more than once

we went grocery shopping, which involved walking, a bus, and a very tiny cab home which i contorted into but it was still a hell of a lot nicer sitting down even in a tiny cab than cramming into my airplane seat was

gonna try and maybe take it a little easier tomorrow so i can adjust a bit, get some time to heal/build new muscles i haven’t needed before 

TheDSM-5 allows for diagnosis of the predominantly inattentive presentations of ADHD (ICD-10 code F90.0) if the individual presents six or more (five for adults) of the following symptoms of inattention for at least six months to a point that is disruptive and inappropriate for developmental level:

Often does not give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, work, or other activities.
Often has trouble keeping attention on tasks or play activities.
Often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly.
Often does not follow instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace (not due to oppositional behavior or failure to understand instructions).
Often has trouble organizing activities.
Often avoids, dislikes, or doesn’t want to do things that take a lot of mental effort for a long period (such as schoolwork or homework).
Often loses things needed for tasks and activities (e.g. toys, school assignments, pencils, books, or tools).
Is often easily distracted.
Is often forgetful in daily activities.

Had a lovely time meeting Athena’s friend Jeff, getting absurdly delicious dairy desserts (he and his… gf? Love interest anyhow?) Got cones while Athena and I got like…. slushy floats with seriously amazing vanilla ice cream on top. I had a Pina cold flavored slush and she had watermelon

Then we took a scenic drive along the lakefront, got dinner with her dad and brother. Really amazing Chinese food with adventure time on the tv

I like it here

They say to arrive 3 hours before your flight. I got here 3.5 hours early and breezed through check in and TSA and now just have to wait around the gate for 3 hours

this time tomorrow i’ll either be in canada having dinner with my fiancee’s family or something will have gone drastically wrong, so, let’s hope for the former!

one nice thing about space marines is that they’re so elite in terms of points/PL that i managed to fit about 65 power level worth of marines into a 10″ x 7″ x 4″ metal tin, to accompany me to Canada for painting and possible games. Thanks, novelty GW plasmagun ammo tin!

