#boring stuff


woo hoo!! 100+ followers! thanks for the support guys! ^^

Over 11000 followers! Wow! I guess I haven’t done an update in a while. First of all, please c

Over 11000 followers! Wow! I guess I haven’t done an update in a while.

First of all, please check out my submissions archive if you haven’t, and like and reblog your favorites! The girls who submit those selfies like to see lots of notes, and are more likely to submit more if their pictures are well received.

(It’s http://submit-nude-selfies.tumblr.com/tagged/submission if you want to go there directly.)

As always, the link to submit pics of yourself is http://submit-nude-selfies.tumblr.com/submit

If you have questions about submitting, or any other topic, feel free to ask me anything. However, I would appreciate it if you would first check my frequently asked questions page, and see if your question is answered there.

Post link

13000 followers! Woohoo! Thanks guys! And a special thanks to all the beautiful ladies who make this blog possible!

I’m finding my incredible submissions are being ignored and buried because I have too many posts per day. I’m going to cut back from 24 a day to 12 and see if this makes a difference. This will mean I can be more discerning when choosing what to reblog, so the overall quality of my blog should go up.

Feel free to message me if you have any concerns or questions.

You can find all my old submissions here. Be sure to like your favorites!

Edit: I’m going to queue up all of my favorites that I think were under-appreciated.
