#born this day


Claude Rains as Captain Louis Renault in Casablanca (1942).

An uncomfortable Greta Garbo with MGM mascot, Leo the Lion.

Lauren Bacall (Sept. 16, 1924-Aug. 12, 2014).

Ingrid Bergman (Aug. 29, 1915-Aug. 29, 1982) in a publicity photo for Casablanca (1942).

William Powell (July 29, 1892-March 5, 1984).

July 1st is a birthday bonanza for classic-movie fans. Here’s a rundown of the legends born on this date.

1. Actor Olivia de Havilland and director William Wyler were both born on July 1st (she in 1916; he in 1902). Here they are celebrating their shared birthday on the set of The Heiress (1949) with costar Miriam Hopkins.

2. Charles Laughton was one of the great actors ever to set foot on a Hollywood soundstage, and he was the talented and imaginative director of The Night of the Hunter (1957). He was born July 1, 1899, in Scarborough, England. The photo is from a never-finished version of I, Claudius.

3. Happy 90th birthday to Leslie Caron, who brought such elegance and joie de vivre to her roles in An American in Paris (1951), Gigi (1958). and Father Goose (1964).

4. Three cheers for the wonderful Farley Granger who was a memorable Hitchcock protagonist in Rope (1948) and Strangers on a Train (photo with Robert Walker). He was born July 1, 1925, in San Jose, Calif.
