#bouncing into my heart



A few things others and also a few things I’ve noticed about De Kelley in any role he plays:

1. He’s always bouncing

2. He bats his eyes

3. The way he tilts his head to one side

4. The little cute smirk thing he does

5. He has one leg hiked up

6. The cute little I guess nervous tic thing he does with his mouth, especially when he’s playing Dr. McCoy

7. At times he has nervous hands

8. The way he raises both eyebrows when talking.

9. He has a certain sway when he walks

10. The way he turns his head to look at something or someone.

11. The way he stares.

I’m sure there’s more but those are the few things I can think of off the top of my head.

Great post. Love everyone’s lists!

Here’s mine:

When he crosses his arms against his chest, one hand has two fingers on the other arm (rather than four like I think most people). Being the DeForest-obsessive person I am, I started doing this as a kid to emulate him.

De pats or holds his stomach. He does this in real life too.

His inclination to mispronounce words (the name of the monster in “A Private Little War” was changed from Gumato to Mugato because De couldn’t say Gumato correctly).

He once said “akkerit” for “accurate”, but that’s a Southern accent thing (Andy Griffith said the same word on his show).

He holds his hands (or one hand) behind his back.

In real life, De constantly touched his glasses.
