#bradley au


This was a really long request so hopefully I got everything you asked for in it, but sorry if I miss anything or don’t write it the way you imagined. Hopefully it’s good enough though, thanks for the request I really liked this idea! :-) 

Also, I don’t know the actual lyrics to Coming Home because let’s be honest at some bits it’s kinda hard to understand what Brad is singing haha! Anyway I googled the lyrics and this is what they came up as so, sorry if they’re wrong! It’s such a cute song though! 

As clique as it sounded ever since Y/N was young all she wanted to do was sing. She would sing everywhere she went, so when she told her parents she had managed to get a record deal they weren’t surprised. Of course they were proud, supported and celebrated with her but they definitely weren’t surprised or shocked. They always believed she would make it, but they never really thought about how successful their daughter would be. 

First was the record deal, then releasing her first single, the first TV appearance, single going to number 1, album release, number 1 album and a million things in between. Everything was going so well for Y/N and she was the artist everyone had been keeping an eye on. Her fan base quickly grew bigger and bigger and the support she got each day was overwhelming.


it had been a couple of years and after doing two tours in her hometown of the UK, Y/N was now going over to America and doing a small tour there to expand her American fan base. Immediately Y/N asked her management if her boyfriend’s band, The Vamps, could join her as her support act. If she was going to try and make it in America then she was going to need her boyfriend by her side. 

The tour was scheduled to be 3 months long and one month in and Y/N was already having the time of her life. Having Brad around all the time was a big adjustment for them both as they’d never spent longer than a week together at the same time due to being so busy but so far there was no problems. Of course and inevitably there was small falling outs between not only just Y/N and Brad but everyone on the team, but they were insignificant and didn’t last for long.

Y/N was sat with her legs over Brad’s as they rested in the back of the tour bus together. She was reading one of her favourite books whilst he watched a movie on the small TV that was attached to the wall. After a couple of moments Brad started to complain that he was getting bored but Y/N was too engrossed in her book to hear him, which frustrated Brad. All he wanted was her attention and right now he wasn’t getting any of it. 

“Baby, pay attention to me.” Brad whined, leaning over to her and poking his finger into her cheek. 

Y/N groaned and pushed Brad’s hand away but didn’t look away from her book. Brad pouted but soon realised Y/N wouldn’t notice so he was going to have to take a different approach. 

Brad moved Y/N’s legs off him which started to get a reaction out of her, although she still didn’t take her eyes off her book. 

“Brad, I was comfy.” She complained quietly. 

Brad smirked but didn’t reply, taking it as his perfect opportunity to go ahead with the second part of his plan. He moved closer to her and started peppering kisses along her jaw and down her neck. Without thinking about it, Y/N moved her neck to the side and closed her eyes. It was always her instant reaction whenever Brad’s lips touched her neck. 

Within seconds of more light kisses and small playful nips at her skin, Y/N was a moaning mess underneath Brad’s touch and her book was long forgotten. 

“Okay guys, as you all know this is the last date of the tour and I can honestly say this is the most fun I’ve had in such a long time.” Y/N spoke to the audience. “Preforming in front of all you incredible fans each night has made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world, and meeting some of you before and after shows is amazing. Not to mention I get to spend all my time with three of my best friends and my boyfriend, who you all know as The Vamps!” 

The crowd cheered with just the mention of their name; some of the fans there tonight were there to see The Vamps, which Y/N understood as they were becoming very successful at the same rate she was. Y/N felt so lucky to be in such a good place with her career, friends, family and fans. 

“Anyway since this is the last night I thought we should do something special to celebrate the amazing tour we’ve had!” Y/N carried on after taking a sip of her water bottle next to the drums. 

“Can we all give a massive cheer for The Vamps?!” Y/N shouted as the crowd erupted into screams and whistles and the four boys walked out carrying their instruments or drum sticks in Tristan’s case.

“HELLO YOU BEAUTIFUL LOT.” Brad shouted down the microphone he had been given by someone backstage and placed it into one of the three spare microphone stands. James and Connor did the same and waved out to the crowd. 

“Coming Home?” You muttered to them all away from the mic and they nodded as Tristan counted the song in and they all started playing as you swayed from left to right.

Of course I get lonely, I guess I ain’t old me. I’m sick and I’m tired of getting used up and tossed to the side..” Brad started singing, the crowd screaming the lyrics back much to the boys’ surprise. 

I hate this hotel room, four walls that stop me from getting to you. I’m hoping that someday we can run away, away from it all.” You finished the first verse, grinning at Brad as he had the same look on his face watching you sing his lyrics that he had once wrote with you in mind. 
