#bratty little girl



Brats 101

To the dom who’s found himself with a brat on his hands and has discovered he’s having a rough time reigning in this wild little girl, this is for you. I’m about to give you a guide on how to handle your brat.

A brat will challenge your dominance. When she acts out, she wants you to prove you’re the one in charge. Prove it to her.

When she gives you attitude, she wants to know she’s met her match. Not just physically, but mentally too. A brat craves that back and forth, that witty repartee. Step up your witty banter game. Meet her sass with equal sass.

Don’t ever try and break your brat. Leave her wild. If you can’t accept and enjoy her for the feisty little shit that she is, then you have no business taking on a brat as your sub. The way to gain a brat’s obedience and submission isn’t through fear or force, but through gaining her respect.

Again: a brat wants to know she’s met her match. Someone who will give a snappy comeback to any sassy one liner she throws at him, someone who isn’t afraid to swiftly prove he’s in charge. That’s how you gain a brat’s respect. And when you have her respect, you will have her obedience and submission.

Learn how to handle your little spitfire in a way that allows her to thrive, and you’ll have one of the most exhilarating and entertaining sub/dom relationships there are. Us brats are the best flirts. You will never have a dull moment with a brat as your sub. We always keep it interesting, and will absolutely make you laugh. We’ll keep you on your toes and you’ll love it.

And you’ll love knowing you’ve gained the respect, obedience and submission that a brat won’t give the average dom.

And you’ll also love knowing that you’re the only one who can make that wild hellion behave her bratty little self.

Love my little brat
