#brazilian bs




so something very funny (again) is happening in Brazil as we speak

President Bolsonaro asked truck-drivers (a group that notoriously supported him in years past) to show some strength a few days ago during the protests 

The guys took it seriously and started to block fucking roads causing mayhem cause everything gets by on roads in Brazil 

Bolsonaro panicked cause the economy is already in shambles and sent a (lol) whats app audio message to be spread through the truckers cancelling the strike 

The truckers thought the audio was a fake recorded by a famous comedian and at like 3 am yesterday the government was forced to go after the president to film and date a video of him asking the truckers to back down

(simultaneously that comedian guy went to social media and recorded an audio himself imitating the president and asking them NOT to stop and also to dance the macarena) 

long story short the truckers STILL have not been convinced that the president asked them to leave and there are still roads blocked and everything is chaos but it is very, very funny

or maybe we Brazilian are just that deprived of real joy and have started to laugh at anything (again) 

The absurdity and irony of the situation: the president that is famous due to his fake news campaign on WhatsApp tried to use a WhatsApp Audio to communicate with the bolsominions but the bolsominions believed the audio was fake and are just going on with the blocked roads.

Another detail (less funny, more serious): that is NOT A STRIKE. It is a lockout - forbidden by Brazilian law.

This country is a a very tasteless joke, ffs.



Rayssa Leal the youngest athlete to represent Brazil in the history of the Olympic Games and single medalist at 13 years old

Our Skate Fairy has done more for the country in 5ish days than the president has done in three whole ass years. You go, Fadinha, we’re so proud of you!
