#bridal lbk lover



(79) My wife Francesca is thanking AmpClubMed psychologist and triple amputee Gloria for all the guidance that led to Francesca proceeding with her voluntary LBK procedure.

Helping us accept a minimally debilitating LBK amputation allows my wife to still drive as she’s always done, walk with minimal trouble, but experience orgasmic explosions neither of us even imagined while she was pretending to have a Bent-Knee pretender stump.

Her real stump is such an afrodisiac to my Devotee-wired brain (and manhood), that I’m able to plunge deep inside her Love-Canal for what seems like hours at a time, even after multiple orgasms. Now enhanced with the Nerve-Harvesting and Re-Grafting procedure, my wife’s orgasms are mind-shattering too, in turn, helping me keep up again and again.
