#brinky au

i continue with my Au Little Story Of Gods xDI designed the rest of the characters: Julia, Billie ani continue with my Au Little Story Of Gods xDI designed the rest of the characters: Julia, Billie an

i continue with my Au Little Story Of Gods xD

I designed the rest of the characters: Julia, Billie and snowball. Now, maybe soon i ‘ll tell the rest of the story! <3 


Interesting fact: Romy and Snowball have a little story together , really that part has a big impact.

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Heya! Guy i need to tell you a cute idea. This is my AU Little Story Of Gods. yup,I was inspired by Heya! Guy i need to tell you a cute idea. This is my AU Little Story Of Gods. yup,I was inspired by

Heya! Guy i need to tell you a cute idea. This is my AU Little Story Of Gods. yup,I was inspired by reapertale but the story is different (obviously) and Sad, VERY sad. well, idk , maybe for Romy and his two dads (?) x’DDD poor guys. but i’ll tell it little by little, cause the story is VERYYYYY LOOOOOONG i wrote the Romy’s story on my facebook (summarized).

soon I will design the rest of the characters: Julia, Billie, Snowball, Larry, etc…. but the story is done n_n

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