#bro what the fuck




Getting my van painted tomorrow!

Very nervous and excited

It’s been a week and I went in today to drop off a lock for my door and they said it may get in on Tuesday. Broskis. We were supposed be further along than this!

I got my fucking van back and he looks so nice oh man I’m so excited to put stickers on it!




Just realized I’m never at a 0 on a fatigue scale, at my best I’m at like.. a 1-3?

I always feel like.. kinda dozey? (Like when you get yawny but not really tired) and my legs and arms feel kinda like how they might feel after a workout or smth.

Wack how people just don’t feel at least a little tired.

shadow, ai am begging you to tell me right now that being fatigued at all time is typical. please. because ai am always at least a two.

I hate to be the one to inform you /lh

Most people are at a 0









What is going on with the world??


In a move that has sparked outcry from archaeologists, historians and locals, the Peruvian government has approved a multi-billion international airport near the famed site of Machu Picchu, Peru’s single most important tourist destination. Bulldozers have begun to clear millions of tons of earth for the project, which will be located in Chinchero, a picturesque Inca town.

Building the airport in this location will destroy an ancient landscape, one shaped by the Incan people with terraces and routes.

Critics also suggest that planes flying low over the nearby village of Ollantaytambo and its archaeological park filled with ruins and a massive Inca fortress with large stone terraces, would cause incalculable damage to fragile Inca ruins there and destroy the peace and beauty of the area.

The new airport will make access to the site much easier, and thus encourage greater numbers than ever before to visit.

But Machu Picchu is already overwhelmed by almost double the limit of tourists as recommended by UNESCO. [see also India’s Taj Mahal - an incredible site simply reeling under a relentless, ineffectively managed tourist, both domestic and international, onslaught]

It’s the constant battle between protecting the past and profiteering from it.


What the actual fuck

how about NO


hey! peruvian here

to be completely honest, there is probably nothing anyone can do about this at this point because it has been in the works since the 90’s. as you can most likely tell, our government is a fucking joke. still, this needs international attention. a lot of it. this is my country’s history, culture and one of the most beautiful things we have to offer at risk.

our best bet is at the very least causing somewhat global outrage to spread awareness and perhaps make this into something bigger amongst the middle and upper class people in the central cities as sadly the lower class and indigenous citizens (the majority of the country’s population) go widely ignored by the government and the former (middle and upper class) tend to also ignore shit unless they perceive it as affecting them directly
