

i am currently writing out a list of ego trivia for a fun lil thing i’m doing to pass the time and i think this is for some reason the funniest sentence i have ever typed out

why is it that when i actually i wanna start drawing things my ipad charger decides that it’s going to stop working

describing my egos at this point is so hard because they Aren’t really. technically……. the egos. but also yes they are. but they aren’t. but saying that they aren’t feels wrong. but,

actually. 4 when i wake up….. everyone send me two egos and i will give u a Fusion of them. since these are always fun

i need 2 draw my fusion boys again at some point………. i miss them

gonna attempt 2 watch a buncha old mark ego content. time to get SO sad

the sad piano music is playing i can’t do this anymore


mind if i uh

inspect your pipe


space time

at some point i should make some like. Hero ocs or somethin 2 add 2 my lore as background characters…….. for World building purposes, u know

actually while i’m on the topic of Name Changes i actually came up with some names 4 my guys that i think are like. Decent which is cool i think

if i end up deciding that i do actually want 2 change marv’s name or whatever there is a good chance that i might just straight up rename them Vinnie

you know everyone started joking about my henrik being addicted to crack cocaine after i bleached his hair and made him greasy as all fuck but i’m going through the henrik playlist i made in like 2020 and there’s like four different songs about drug abuse here so i think maybe he’s just always been like that

i’ve managed 2 come up with a few new names that i think are at least Decently fitting for my lads after like a million years and i am. deeply upset by the fact that i am genuinely considering just renaming robbie Rodrick. anon that suggested this whoever you are you’ve ruined me

happy birthday Cheese Bready

i need 2 make. playlists 4 stacy n lisbeth at some point

good news everyone the universe is going to reboot on my birthday


i am in love. with wug

currently watching iswm with my mom. what the fuck is happening

i dont think i talk about how mean and annoying marvin is nearly enough

was thinking about writing out a buncha joke-y dating sim route concept scripts with my characters just 4 fun because i am Bored and have nothing 2 do but then i realized that i’d just accidentally reinvented x reader fanfic

currently writing out a bunch of useless info about my stace and so far all i’ve learned from this is that no matter How cool i WANT a character of mine to be in the end i Will unintentionally make them pathetic and lame

you know i have a lot of different like. Endings in mind for my lore or whatever but i never know which one to make Canon. i think all of them should be

the more i sit and think about my egos the more i start to think about what absolutely Awful people they are
