#broken stranger


Summary: Torri (O/C) needs to escape her life in Seattle because of her abusive husband. When she ends up in Charming things don’t go as planned.


The week went by relatively fast. It was hard for me to do nothing but rest for seven straight days, but Chibs made sure to come home early on the days he had to work to keep me company. It definitely made my days more enjoyable. He was also making me three meals a day and making sure the fridge was stocked with tons of healthy fruits and vegetables. One day this week while he was at work he had a pizza delivered here for me for lunch as a surprise.

When Chibs wasn’t home, there was always a prospect with me. He made sure to stay in the house and stay close to where I was. It was awkward at first but after talking to Rat we actually became friends.

Today was finally the day I get to go back for my check up with Tara to make sure the babies are doing well. Chibs was driving me there and I had already called Gemma to let her know I may be able to come to work later today. Thank god because I’m sick of being stuck in the house.

Arriving at the hospital we made the familiar walk to Tara’s office. The nerves set in as the three of us walked down to the exam room. These ultrasounds made me so nervous. I’m terrified to find out that something is wrong with one or both of the babies. I laid down on the exam table and lifted my shirt up.

“Any bleeding or cramping this week?” Tara questioned as she squeezed to cool gel on my abdomen.

“Nope, everything has been pretty good.” I felt her push the probe on my stomach so I instantly looked at the screen. She moved the probe around a bit and I could see both the babies. They were tiny but they were moving around a bit.

“They both look great, they are both measuring to be 11 weeks which is what we want,” she said as she moved the prob around a bit more. She clicked a button to turn the sound on and the quick thumping brought tears to my eyes.

“Ye okay, lass?” Chibs asked as he wiped away a tear and then held my hand.

“Yeah. It’s just the best noise in the world, I was so worried something was going to happen to them and to see and hear they are okay is just overwhelming in a good way.” Tara moved the probe and the sound stopped but then started again.

“Yer going te be such a good mom,” he whispered then kissed my cheek.

“Both have normal heart rates as well,” she said with a smile before printing a couple of pictures.

“Does this mean I can go back to work?” I eagerly asked.

“As ye can tell she has been having a hard time staying home not doing shite,” Chibs said with a laugh.

“Yes, but you need to take it easy. No lifting anything heavy and make sure you are not on your feet the whole time you are at the bar,” Tara said as she put the probe back and grabbed a towel to wipe the gel off my stomach. “I’ll let Gemma know your limitations so she can make sure you really are taking it easy” she laughed as I pulled my shirt down and handed me the pictures with a smile.

“Aye Gemma will be on yer ass if yer no’ resting” Chibs chuckled as he helped me off the table.

“I bet she will. Thanks, Tara for all this.” I pointed towards the ultrasound machine.

“No problem. Call me if you have any problems.” She smiled as she headed towards the door.  

“Oh one more question, can we have sex?” I asked quietly, I felt the heat rise in my cheeks as I blushed.

“Yeah, just nothing crazy.” She looked over at Chibs with a laugh and then back at me, “and if it hurts at all or causes you to bleed then stop,” she added.

“Okay, thanks,” I said with a smile then looked over at chibs as Tara walked out the room.

“Guess we gotta be really vanilla for a while. Can’t go at it for too long,” I joked as we walked out of the room.

“Aye bu’ that’s okay, we don’t wan’ te hurt the babies.”

“Look how big they are getting.” I handed the ultrasound picture’s to Chibs as we walked down the hall. I put my hand on the slight bump that recently grew.

“Won’t be long till they are ‘ere with us,” He said with a smile as he studied the pictures.

“I can’t wait. Can we go to TM? I want to get things ready for tonight I’m not sure who has been bartending so I want to make sure everything is good for the party and go over the orders. Plus the distributor should have dropped off the order this morning since it’s Friday.”

“Aye, I have a shift at the garage in an hour anyway.” Chibs grabbed my hand and held it all the way out to the car.

“Eager te stay ou’ the house?” he laughed as he started the car.

“Oh yeah, don’t get me wrong I love sitting around watching Freinds, but after seven days of it I’m ready to get back to work.” I buckled my seat belt in the passager seat and Chibs took off driving down the street.

We arrived at TM quickly. It was a wonderful site, getting to see everyone outside of the house.

“Take it easy lass. I’ll be in te check on ye in a little bit.” He kissed me on my lips with a smile.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I’m sure Gemma will be on my ass about being careful anyway,” I laughed before walking into the clubhouse.

“Tara called and said you would be coming back. How are you feeling baby?” Gemma asked as she rose from her seat at the bar.

“Excited to be out of the house,” I laughed as I walked over to her. She drew me in for a quick hug.

“Just wanted to tell you to take it easy. I got Rat in here to stock the shelves with the booze, you just tell him where to put it. You know how he is, he will just put it where ever,” she let out a laugh as she pulled out her cigarettes and lit one up.

“Got it, thanks,” I said as I made my way to the bar.

“Rat, make sure she isn’t lifting any heavy boxes of booze,” Gemma said as she walked out and headed back to the garage office.

Rat picked the boxes off the floor and put them on the bar while we were catching up. I started opening the boxes and took inventory on the TM inventory sheet. After we put the booze away, I noticed some things were missing.

“We are missing two bottles of rum and a keg. Last week the distributor called me because they messed the order up and gave us extra for free, so they should be calling soon. the damn guy delivering seemed to be half drunk,” I laughed as I sat down to fill out more order forms. Rat grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat down at the bar.

“So are you feeling better?” Rat asked as he watched me go over order forms.

“Yeah, just having some nausea and fun pregnancy stuff,” I chuckled, “ya know constipation, bloating all that shit.”

“Sounds like fun,” he joked as he sipped his beer. The bar phone started to ring

“That must be the liquor distributor, called the same time last week after dropping the order off.” I walked over to the phone and picked it up.

“Hello?” I answered.


“Yeah, who is this?” I couldn’t recognize the voice on the phone considering the phone in the bar is like ten years old.

“You don’t even recognize your husband’s voice anymore?” My stomach instantly twisted as fear ran through my body.

“How did you get this number?”

“I got promoted to detective. I find missing people every day, there’s no hiding from me. You need to come home or I will come there and take you home myself.”

“No! Stop calling me, leave me alone,” I yelled into the phone. I heard Rat get off his chair. I turned around and mouthed ‘go get Chibs’ to him and he ran out the door.  

“Baby, I love you. I can’t live without you. You need to come home and take care of your husband like a good wife would.” I could hear the bullshit coming from his voice.

“So you can beat the shit out of me and kill me? No. I swear to God Mike If you come here you will be killed!” tears started streaming down my face. I was too afraid to hang up. Anytime I used to disobey him, I would get beat up. I don’t know how he still had this hold on me but he did.

“Bitch If you think you can kill me, you are dumber then I thought,” he screamed. There was the man I knew. The one who would blow up at me and treated me like shit.

I started to shake, and almost fell to the floor but I felt hands on my waist and I turned around and saw it was Chibs. He took the phone out of my hand and put it to his ear.

“Leave her alone! Don’ ever call ‘ere again and don’t try te come ‘ere cause you will be dead. We will no’ hesitate te kill ye!” Chibs yelled into the phone before slamming the phone down, hanging up. I couldn’t control the tears that fell down like a waterfall or the way my body shook. Mike knows exactly where I am and he could be here at any time.

Tag List: @gemini0410@utterlyhopeful@rebelwriter95@genius2050

SOA tag list: @answer-the-sirens@i-am-sarah
