


Stuck between two choices? Shuffle your deck, find the Two of Pentacles, and the card on either side will reveal the most likely outcome for each option.


What I refer to as “sinking” is another form of grounding and something that I think every sea witch (or any kind of witch) should try.

In the typical grounding practice, one takes time to calm the mind and align your energy with that of the Earth, in sinking you are instead aligning your energy with the ocean. This is good to try before any spell, especially if you want it to pack a bit of a punch.

Now, a few notes that I feel should be taken here;

  •   The ocean is a strong, untamed force of nature. Respect that.
  •  You do not take from its’ power, you simply borrow it.

Alright, now that being said, sinking is very powerful. The first time I tried it I was overwhelmed and had to take a tiny break just because the sensation is a lot stronger than any I’ve ever gotten while grounding. But that’s just me. Anyhow, here we go!

How To Go About Sinking

Things you’ll need:

  • Water. (Sea water if you can but if not, any other kind save for tap is fine.)
  • Sea Salt
  • A sea shell
  • A candle that reminds you of the ocean.
  • A picture or video of the ocean
  • The sound of waves, seagulls etc (easily accessible on Youtube.)

Make sure that you’re somewhere that you can’t be disturbed. Turn your video on or place your picture in front of you and play the ocean sounds. Light your candle as well. Just listen, take it all in for a few minutes. Imagine that you’re actually there, try to picture the way the sand feels against your skin. Once you begin to truly feel the sand and all of that, grab your shell and hold it in your hand. Take all of this in and until you can feel yourself actually by the shore.

Take a pinch of your sea salt and taste it (Do not drink or even sip your sea water! It’ll make you sick!) Tell yourself that the salt in the sea and the salt you have just eaten are one and that the waves that splash against the shore are also in your blood and that the very sea itself rages in your veins.

When you are ready, take your sea water and drip it on your wrists, feet, wherever you would like and feel the water. What I like to do is imagine myself sinking but not struggling for breath, feeling the water, the energy around me and allowing my body to be a receptor of that energy. It moves through you and strengthens you.

Now as I’ve said, this is simply how I do it and what works for me but yeah, there you have it!
