#brynn your writing is so tasty



rare are the days you wake and find diluc still in bed.

IM LATE but happy birthday to my most specialest boy ever!!! the love of my life!!!! diluc babygirl i love you with my whole heart he is my everything <3 this was supposed to be done earlier but i am sadly busy and yeah. anyway it’s done now pls forgive me.

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pairing: diluc/reader (no pronouns used for reader)

characters: diluc ragnvindr

genre: fluff with a sprinkle of angst

word count: 1058

Mornings where you get to wake up with Diluc are rare. His constantly-full schedule and tendency to overwork himself means he rises early and returns home late—so late, sometimes, he’s not in bed til the sun starts to rise and a new day has begun.

Rarer, still, are days you wake up beforehim.

Your eyes blink open to the sound of birdsong, muted by the glass of the windows. You’d forgotten to close the curtains again, and unobstructed, the sun bathes the room in golden light—warm, soft. At the very end of April, the biting chill of winter is but a bitter memory. Color begins to pop up around the Winery again, as leaves return to the trees and flowers blossom between blades of bright green grass. Atop your bedside table, a single pristine Cecilia sits in a thin vase; it was the first flower you’d seen fully bloomed in Diluc’s extensive garden, a reminder of the shifting seasons.

You sit up slowly, the covers sliding down your body, careful so as not to disturb the man beside you. Diluc’s lying on his side, facing you, his red hair sprawled across the pillows, burning against the white of his nightshirt. He’s tucked one of his arms beneath his head—the other is lazily tossed over your hips. His face is partly obscured by both the pillows and his hair, but he looks so at peace, his expression serene.

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