

Something Just Like This (AU!Daniel Brühl x F! Reader)

Word Count:9219

About:Your father takes on a business partner, who captures your eye and makes your Ex jealous.

Pairing:AU!Daniel Brühl x F! Reader

Warnings/Trigger Warnings:Language, Jealous Ex, Angst, Some Sexual Content (Touching and boob grabbing), Implied Smut, Daniel talking in both German and Spanish,


A/N:I wrote this for my dear friend @saturdaynightzemo. I got too carried away with the word count but it’s okay. There also maybe a part two later on down the road.

**This work is written for the 18 and up crowd so please read at your own discretion. This work is also crossed posted on other sites under the same title. Please do not copy and paste my work anywhere, sharing the links and re-blogs are perfectly fine. Linktree to my other social media sites are in the link in my bio. Feedback is welcome!**

German/Spanish Pet Name Translation




*meine liebe–my love


*Mi Querida–My Darling


*Un Peu des deux–A little bit of both

*Il mio italiano è un po’ arrugginito–My Italian is a bit rusty

Forever Tag: @hobby27@donnaintx@myinconnelly1@elansaidaris@magssteenkamp@440mxs-wife

Zemo/Daniel Tags: @saturdaynightzemo@dailybruhlfic


It wasn’t the sound of the car that made you turn your head. Oh no, you were practically immune to those sounds, living at the tracks your whole life. It wasn’t even the color of it either. You’ve seen enough cherry red cars to last you a lifetime. It was a nice color and the shine of the wax really shined, but after a while the color just sort of faded into life itself. Just like many other things at the track.

It was the driver that stepped out of the polished car that caused you to stop in your tracks. He wore a grey suit that shined bright in the sunlight. His hair wasn’t as long as all the other drivers you knew that passed through here. It was brushed back, away from his eyes. Oh and those eyes, they looked over his entire surroundings. His beard was just an added bonus. You had a thing for bearded men.

He was new and every pair of eyes, including yours, watched as he walked into the building. No doubt to your fathers office. This man looked like he meant business. Before the mysterious man walked into the building, he turned and looked around again, this time those eyes landed on you for a brief moment. Making you instantly drop your gaze to the bucket of water at your feet.

“Who is that?” you turned to see Finn, your ex, was standing next to you.

Finn and you dated for a few years in and out of high school. It wasn’t until you were almost done with college that you saw that the two of you drifted. For you it was the perfect time to figure out who you were and who you wanted to be. Finn, of course, agreed to the split. Both of you thought it would be temporary, but you soon learned that you no longer loved Finn like that. That was three years ago.

“I have no idea,” You shook your head and went back to your job. Which was washing the cars for today’s photoshoot. “I’m sure I’ll find out later at dinner.”

“Speaking of dinner,” Finn grabbed a sponge and started to help you. “Your mother invited me. I said yes cause she said she was making her famous lasagna. I hope you don’t mind.”

You shook your head. You didn’t mind it but you knew that your mother was trying to set you and Finn up again. Your mother loved Finn and missed having him over more when the two of you were together. She just couldn’t get it through her head that you and Finn were over and nothing could change that.

“No, I don’t mind at all,” you straightened up and turned to Finn. Finn’s ginger hair hung around his face. “You know you never have to ask me if it’s okay. You’re practically family.”

When Finn was thirteen, his father died of cancer. It was a really hard time for both Finn’s family and your father. Your father was really good friends with Finn’s father and on his deathbed, your father promised to look after Finn as if he were his own son.

Finn stood up and by the look on his face, you knew what he was going to say. “I can be more than practically family, Y/N.”

You turned away from him. “Finn, we’ve talked about this many times. I don’t feel that way anymore about you. Please stop. We’re better as friends.” You turned to him to see him nodding. Finn dumped the sponge back into the water and left. Over the last few years, Finn had tried desperately to get you back. He has never dated anyone else and you don’t want to know how he even relieved himself. If he did.

You had one other sexual partner after Finn and that was a weekend fling in Spain. You never called the poor guy when you got home. But God was the sex good. Like out of a work of fiction good. The things that man had done to your body, things that Finn would never do or didn’t know how to do.

You went about the rest of your day like normal. All the cars got washed in time for the photoshoot, which also went smoothly. You had lunch with Bea, one of the girls in the back offices. She talked of nothing but the stranger that was still at the track. Apparently your father was showing him around the place.

“And the accent,” Bea’s eyes rolled to the back of her head. “It’s to die for. Makes me tingle each time I think of it.”

You chuckled a bit, “I’ll take your word for it.” The way Bea talked about this man, you wanted to meet him and hear the accent. “Is your neighbor still single?”

Bea’s head perked up faster than anything. “Yeah, she’s still single. Why? No wait, let me guess Finn?” You nodded. “I’ll see what kind of magic I can cook up. He really needs to learn that it’s over.” And you couldn’t agree more.

By the time closing came around, you took care of tidying up the track and making sure bags were tied up for morning trash pick up. You found it easier for the morning cleaning crew to just grab the bags. Just as you were tying up the last bag, Finn approached you.

“I’m about to take off,” he leaned up against the side by side you drove around the track. “Would you like a ride back to your house?”

“Um,” you looked over your shoulder and saw that the mysterious man’s car was still here. He had been here all day and part of you wanted to know why. “Let me check in with Dad and see what his plan is. He’s been with that man all day.”

You made your way to your fathers office and one little peak said that he was in the middle of a conversation. You were about to turn until your father saw you and waved you in. You waltzed in and noticed the man on your fathers leather office sofa. You froze in place as this man’s eyes looked you over. Not quickly like any normal person, oh no. This man’s eyes slowly took in your whole appearance. You knew you looked like a hot mess so what did this man see? Even you let your eyes wander over the man’s appearance. He still wore the grey suit, but the coat was undone. He sat back on the couch with both arms spread out on the back. His ankle was resting on his knee that seemed to bounce a little. You noticed he had some curls and one stray curl dangled in front of his face. Then you noticed his eye color. A chocolate brown that still bore deep into you. It was like he was looking deep into your soul.

“Sorry,” you tore your eyes away from the man and looked back at your father. You swore you could still feet those dark eyes on you. It made your heart pound a bit. “I was just wondering if I’m still riding home with you or if I should ride with Finn.”

Your father stood up and crossed over to you. “Ride with Finn, dear. I’ll be home hopefully in time for your mothers cooking. You know how she gets if any one of us is late.” Your father chuckled lightly, pulling a smile from you. “Also, I want you to meet this gentleman here.” Your father slightly turned you around to face the man, who was now standing. He was pretty tall compared to your small figure.

“Daniel Brühl,” he held out his hand. Damn, Bea was right about the accent. You felt your knees get a little weak as you took a step towards him. You were thankful that your father still held onto your shoulders or you really would have fallen onto the floor and looked like an idiot.

“Y/N,” you took hold of his hand and the grip nearly caused your knees to buckle. They were rough and calloused, something many business men that come through here don’t have. They are almost always moisturized and smooth. But Daniel’s hand’s felt like he’s worked with them for years. It was a pleasurable feeling.

“Y/N?” Daniel smiled and that made you press your thighs together. You prayed that Daniel or your father wouldn’t have noticed. “A beautiful name,” You instantly felt arousal form deep within your core at the sound of your name rolling off this stranger’s lips. You wanted to melt instantly. But you kept your composure and remained professional.

“Thank you,” you managed to get out putting your hands behind your back once Daniel let go of yours.

“Daniel here,” your father walked back towards his desk. You noticed that your father’s french accent was creeping in. This happened when he spoke a lot of French. “He’s a tough kid to bargain with.”

“And you sir,” Daniel sat back down and ran his hands over his dark beard. You wondered what it felt like. “Are a hard man to negotiate with and I’ve had some hard ones. You are the smarter one.”

With that, you said your goodbyes and went out to where Finn had been waiting. You got into his small little beat up sedan and began the drive back to your family home. You didn’t live at home, you had a small apartment about five minutes from the track. But on nights like this where your mother wants to get the family together, you stay in your own room. Or if you drank too much you always stayed the night knowing that was safer. Tonight might be one of those nights where you stay the night there since Finn was joining for dinner.


“Momma,” You called from the dining room. You began to set up the table and there was an extra plate and such. “You gave me an extra place setting.”

“No, no I didn’t,” your mothers thick Italian accent came around the corner. She held a dish towel in her hand and you instantly were brought back to your childhood. “Your father is bringing someone from work. Plus, I always make plenty of food for everyone.” Your mother lived a majority of her life in the States, but never lost her accent.

You shrugged your shoulders and set the place, wondering who your father was bringing to dinner. Once the house was clean and the table was all set to your mother’s standards, you went to shower and freshen up. You dressed in a nice burgundy blouse and skinny jeans. You put on a pair of beige sandals that are strapped up to the bottom of your calf. You threw your hair into a messy bun and let a few strands of hair fall out. Then you dried your face and threw on very little makeup to make you look like you weren’t tired.

Very rarely, your father came home with someone from work. But when he did, you made sure to make yourself presentable. You were, after all, representing your family when someone from work came to the family home. Something you owed your family for putting up with your stubborn ass for twenty-seven long years.

You found yourself back in the kitchen. Your mother wouldn’t let you touch her cooking and you couldn’t blame her. You weren’t that great of a cook, something that you got from your father. In a way you were more like your father than you were your mother. Something your mother was okay with. But your mother did enjoy the fact that you and her would sit for hours hand sewing blankets for women and children shelters for the winter.

You pulled a beer from the fridge and cracked it open. Before the glass bottle hit your lips your mother was pulling it away from you. “Momma!” You half whined.

“I will not have you getting drunk before your father and his guest gets here,” your mother scolded you.

“I wasn’t going to get drunk, Momma,” you took the beer from her thin hands. “I was only pre-gaming just in case I don’t like him and need to tell him or her to kindly fuck off.”

“Y/N Y/M/N!” Your mother’s gasps had you quickly leaving the kitchen. You knew that if you stayed any longer, the kitchen towel would end up being used on you and not some random beer spill.

The door opened and closed and soon you were able to hear some voices. Finn’s voice was very distinct, it was a bit louder than your Italian-French family. You made your way towards the foyer to great your father and his guest, yes with beer in hand so they knew that you wouldn’t give a fuck later on. But the moment you entered the foyer, the beer bottle slipped from your hands and crashed to the ground. Luckily the bottle didn’t break but you spilled a good deal on the tile floor.

“I’m so sorry,” you dropped down quickly and picked up the bottle and grabbed the towel that Finn, somehow or somewhere grabbed, and cleaned up the spill you made. “I came to say hello. I don’t know what happened.” You rambled on, trying not to make eye contact with your fathers guest. A guest you didn’t know would step foot into your childhood home.


“I told her, Alexandre,” Your mother came around the corner drying her hands. “I told her not to drink before you guys got here.”

“Momma!” You stood up and stared at her. Part of you was embarrassed and the other part was just flat out wanting to be smited out of existence. “This was…I just…I barely drank it.”

“Then why did you drop it?” she asked, placing her hands on her hips.

“Because I have butter fingers, Momma.” Which was a lie. You knew exactly why you dropped it but you didn’t want to embarrass yourself in front of the guest.

Dinner went as well as you could have imagined it going. No one focused on you nor Finn, which was a bit surprising for you. Your mother used to always keep most of the attention on Finn. But with Daniel, all the focus was on him. You probably thought it was because Daniel was new to the mix. No one knew him.


“I don’t know how it happened,” your fathers French accent was making more of an appearance tonight. He must have spoken a lot of French. “But, young Daniel here, talked me into making him a partner.” Your father raised a glass towards Daniel and everyone followed suit. You quickly glanced at Daniel to see his eyes focused on your father. A genuine smile on his face. “To Daniel. May we have an amazing and thriving business relationship.” With that everyone toasted and resumed dinner.

After dinner, you stood on the balcony and smoked a cigarette. You rarely smoke but tonight you felt the need to put one in your mouth. As you took a long drag, you heard the door open and close. You didn’t look behind you to see who it was. You thought it was Finn trying to talk to you or get into your pants. Or both. Who knew with him anymore?

“Tonight is nice,” the voice called to you. The accent sent chills down your back and right to your core. You were lucky that you kept one of your fun toys here. You were definitely going to need it.

You turned to see Daniel walking his way towards you. A beer in his hands and an unopened one in the other. “Yeah,” you answered, giving him a smile. “It’s really nice. What brings you out here? I’m sure my Dad has a lot to talk to you about?”

Daniel shook his head and smiled. That smile sent an electric shock through your body. It was pure and sweet. “Your father and I, we took care of a lot of things today. He was pretty stubborn but saw the benefits of having a partner and took it.” He handed you the beer and you took it without question.

You smiled. “My father is a very stubborn man, I’m glad he worked something out with you. But,” you turned back to look at the city skyline. Gosh it was beautiful. Your parents picked out a lovely spot to call home. “My Dad, he knew he needed help from someone that wasn’t family. He’s just been putting it off.”

Daniel stood next to you. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it. “I’m sure this might be hard on your brother.”

You choked on the breath you were going to take for the next drag. “What? Finn?” You couldn’t help but laugh next. “That’s a first. Finn isn’t my brother. I’m an only child.”

Daniel looked at you. It made you wonder what was going on in his head. He turned to his side and let smoke blow out his nose. Fuck, it was hot. You turned away to gain some kind of composure. But mostly press your legs together. If your parents and Finn weren’t here, you’d probably jump the man already.

“Really?” Daniel asked, taking a look towards you.

“Yeah,” You answered, taking the final drag of your cigarette. “Finn is actually my ex. He’s been coming to family dinners and such since we were in middle school after his dad died.” You tried to think back to when you first met Finn. Was it kindergarten? It had been so long ago. “My mom considers him family so he hangs around still.”

“I see,” Daniel gave you a mysterious smirk. You wondered what it meant. “Will I see you tomorrow?” Something in those dark eyes of his hooked into you.

The question caught you off guard. You fumbled with the cigarette butt until it fell over the balcony edge and into the ravine. You prayed the butt didn’t start any kind of fire. “Fuck, um,” you rubbed your head with your left hand. “Yeah, I don’t work too much alongside my Dad. I do a lot of the grunt work. Not because I have to but because I like to, if that makes sense.” You turned to see Daniel staring at you. Those dark eyes seem to be peering right into your soul now. If only you could read the mind of the stranger in front of you.

“That does make sense,” Daniel grinned at you again. This time you grinned back. “I noticed your mother speaks Italian and your father French? Do you speak some?”

You smiled. “Un peu des deux.” Then as best as you could say it, “Ilmio italiano è un po’ arrugginito.”

Daniel nodded his head and grinned. “Not bad,” he finished his cigarette and puts out the butt.

“Y/N?” Finn’s voice brought you out of the cloud your head rested in. You turned to see him standing, with his arms crossed. His eyes were staring at Daniel, not yours. You could see the hint of jealousy in them. The attention you gave to Daniel, it seemed like Finn didn’t like it. Finn probably thought he was entitled to it. But you didn’t care. “Your dad wants to see you.”

You turned back to Daniel who looked Finn over and then turned back to you. “Your ex doesn’t look very happy,” he whispered. “Could it be that you’re talking to someone that isn’t him?” Daniel raised an eyebrow. It was like he knew after one look at Finn.

You stifled a laugh, “Unfortunately, who knows with him.” You pushed off of the railing, “If you’ll excuse me.”

The talk with your father wasn’t exactly what you were thinking. It was smooth, as all other talks with him went, but he only had one request. To show Daniel the ins and outs of life on the track. According to him, Daniel was a very hands on type of guy. Which could explain the roughness of his hand when you shook them earlier that day. You could still feel them hours later.

“You’re okay with this?” your father asked softly. “I can always have Finn do this, if you don’t want to.”

“No no no,” you quickly shook your head. “I can do it. I really should be stepping up more, for when the day comes when I need to take over. You know?” You look at your father with what felt like the eyes of a small child. Your father was getting up there in age and you hated the idea that one day you may lose him.

“I do, sweetheart,“ your father stood up from his chair and rubbed his hands together. "I appreciate you doing this. I really wouldn’t be thrilled if I had to have Finn do it. I don’t necessarily trust him with a man like Daniel around.” You tilted your head to the side and wondered what your father meant. “He’s been slacking on his work a lot recently and no amount of talking has helped. Not to mention the looks he gave our guest tonight.”

Your eyes widened some, you forgot your father saw more than anyone realized. Kind of like you. “What will you do with him?” You asked.

“One more talk and if nothing changes, I’ll let him go.” Your father looked down. “Breaking a promise to an old friend. But my business comes first.”

“Don’t worry, dad,” you walked towards him and pecked him on the cheek. “I got this.”

When it was time for Daniel to head out, you stood by your father. You wished you had more time with Daniel. He was a lovely person to talk to and you wanted to know more about him. As you all said your goodbyes, you gave Daniel a smile. A smile that he returned and gently took your hand in his and planted a soft kiss to it. His dark eyes didn’t leave yours. His lips were soft and you wondered what they would feel like against yours. You felt your face burn up and watched as Daniel did the same to your mother. From the corner of your eye, you saw Finn glaring at Daniel. The look in his eyes didn’t look friendly and when they swept over to you, it sent a chill down your spine.


Over the next couple of months, you taught Daniel the ins and outs of the track. You showed him what was easy and most effective at getting the job done. Like your closing up routine of tying the bags up for the morning clean up crew. Daniel was an excellent learner and listener and that made you feel great. You thought that you were a crappy teacher and you told him that. But Daniel shushed you and told you that you were doing great.

The time that you had spent together, you got to know him as well. While you taught him the ins and outs, the two of you talked about life. You learned that Daniel was born in Spain but grew up in Germany. He lived in a bilingual home so he was very well versed in both Spanish and German. That really intrigued you and later on you were turned on when you heard him say a few phrases. Phrases you committed to memory when you wanted to think about his voice.

When you weren’t with Daniel you were either with Bea having lunch or stuck with Finn. The days you were stuck with Finn, you wanted nothing more than to shove a sock in his mouth and tell him to just shut the hell up. Finn wouldn’t stop talking negatively about Daniel. It was “Daniel can’t do this” or “Daniel can’t just waltz in here and change things.”

“For the love of God, Finn,” you finally snapped at him one afternoon. The two of you were working on an old car that needed repairs. “Can you fucking shut up? Daniel is a partner, meaning with the contract he and Dad drew up, he’s also part owner. So he can do whatever the fuck he wants here. Which also means he can change up whatever he can.”

Finn stopped what he was doing. “Why are you so defensive of the guy?”

“I’m not,” you huffed as you tightened a bolt. “I’m simply stating facts. Facts that you have chosen to ignore. Speaking of ignoring things?” You wiped your hands on a towel. “Have you taken that order out?”

Finn shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t.”

You sighed. “Finn!” you practically yelled his name. “That order needed to go out like two days ago! Why? You know what,” you calmed yourself down and placed your hands on your hips. “I’ll take care of it but, you go home and when you come back on Monday, you will be handling the front desk for a week.”

Finn snorted. “You don’t get to tell me what to do, Y/N. You’re not the boss.”

“True,” you walked towards him and pressed a finger into his chest. “But when Dad isn’t here, I take over. You should count yourself lucky, anyway, since Dad isn’t here. He’s this close to firing you. So go home and come back with a work ethic like Dad’s or Daniel’s.”

Finn held up his hands and walked away. “Fine. Whatever.”

The rest of the morning had been a blur. Daniel and you talked about more ways to make the work life at the track even more smooth. Daniel came up with really good ideas that you liked. Once you guys agreed to something, you guys noted it down and put it on your father’s desk. You always wanted to make sure that your father also agreed before changing something. Daniel agreed as well.

“Do you have anything planned this weekend?” Daniel asked you as the two of you went down the inventory checklist. The question didn’t necessarily catch you off guard. You and Daniel were at the point in your work relationship to ask what the other was up to for the evening or the weekend.

“Nothing really?” you resumed your counting of paper towels. “What about you? Have anything planned this weekend? Or will you be as boring as me and do nothing?”

“Y/N, you are never boring,” Daniel’s voice was calm and gentle. You turned to him and saw the most charming smile on his face. It nearly made your knees weak. “In fact,” Daniel set his clipboard down and crossed over to you. He placed both his hands on your shoulders. The firm but gentle grip alone made your brain fuzzy. Does this man know the effect he has on you? “You are one of the best people here. Which is why I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to dinner tomorrow evening?”

Now that question took you by surprise. Suddenly the hands that were resting on your shoulder felt extremely heavy and the dark chocolate eyes that looked into yours, well they were holding you in place. The corner of the left side of his lip twitched up into a small crooked smile. It was cute, sweet and it made your heart swell. You knew there was a good age gap between the two of you but right now that didn’t matter to you.

“Sure,” you smiled as you answered him. You felt your face grow warm and you didn’t care if Daniel saw that. You just took in the huge smile he gave you.

“Wonderful,” Daniel licked his lips and dropped his hands. You watched as he rubbed them together as he always does. His left hand gripped his right thumb. “I’ll make reservations for tomorrow and pick you up at seven?”

You smiled and reached out for Daniel’s arm before he left the area. “I’m not staying with my parents, so you’ll have to pick me up at my apartment.” You scribbled your address on the paper and handed it to him. You watched as he smiled even more as he looked down at the paper.

“Your apartment complex is right across from mine,” Daniel’s look at you had your face burn a tad bit more. “Probably meant to be.” Daniel winked at you and walked out of sight. Leaving you to wonder if that encounter actually happened and not you daydreaming it happened.

Your lunch with Bea was exactly how you pictured it. Once you told her about your dinner with Daniel, her entire face just lit up and she squealed lightly. You listened to her ramble on and on about how some of the older women have tried to score a date with Daniel. But according to Bea, Daniel would let them down softly.

“Where is he taking you?” Bea was practically bouncing by the time the two of you got back to the track.

“He didn’t say,” you answered. You were curious but you wanted it to be a surprise. “All he said was that he was going to make reservations.”

“I bet it’s somewhere nice,” Bea’s sing-song voice made your heart flutter and skip a few beats. This was the first date you had been on in years. Since, Finn took you out to the pizzeria in high school. “Wait,” Bea turned with an eyebrow raised. “What if he’s a murderer and you’re just his type?” Bea air quoted the words his type.

“Bea,” you laughed and shook your head. “You watch way too many crime documentaries. But,” you placed your hand on her shoulder and smiled. “If I do go missing I want you to be the one to write my story for Netflix.”

Bea smiled. “You’re a great friend. Just keep me updated so I don’t have to do that.”

You watched as Bea walked away and when you turned around you saw Finn standing a few feet from where you stood. The look on his face pretty much said that he had listened to yours and Bea’s conversation.

“I thought I told you to go home?” You placed your hands on your hips and stared at Finn. “Why are you back here?”

Finn took a deep breath and turned around and began to walk away. You weren’t going to have any of that, and if it were your father, you knew that your father would fire Finn faster than anything. You caught up to Finn and stopped him. “Excuse me!” You placed a hand on his chest. “I asked you a question.”

Finn gripped your hand tight and roughly flung it to the side. “I was going to apologize to you about my behavior and go back home. But after hearing all of that,” Finn pushed you aside. “I don’t think I will.”

You grabbed Finn by the arm. If he was going to be rough and push you around, might as well return the gesture. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

Finn spun around and took hold of your upper arm and squeezed it tight. “What the fuck is wrong with me? What the fuck is wrong with you?” Finn was practically yelling now. “After all this time of trying to get back together, you plan a fucking date with that foreigner?”

You felt the color drain from your body. Anger boiled under your skin as you ripped your arm free from Finn’s grasp. “You better watch what you say next.” Your warning tone held more venom than you thought. “Don’t forget that my parents came from overseas, too.”

Finn stared at you for a good five minutes before turning around and walking away. You couldn’t believe what he had said. You couldn’t believe that he would actually stoop to that level. You shook your head and hands hoping the feeling of rage would leave your body. But it didn’t. Nothing you tried to help you calm down worked. You were so pissed at Finn. You wanted nothing more than to punch him in the throat.

As you walked into the building to cool down in your father’s office, Daniel took notice of your appearance. The way you walked wasn’t that loose and free walk. Your body was so tense that it looked almost robotic when you walked. He knew something was wrong. He stopped what he was doing and was at your side in seconds. You didn’t know it but Daniel had fallen hard for you already and would move mountains to make you happy. He knew that this was one of those moments. He hated to see that look of pure anger on your face. He wanted to know why and wanted to know how he could fix it for you.

“Y/N?” Daniels soft voice asked. He gently placed a hand on your arm and turned you around. “What happened?”

“Finn,” was all you had to say. Daniel let go when he saw that you clearly didn’t want anyone to touch you. You heard him mumble a small apology and looked up at him. You saw the worry in his eyes. “He’s being an asshole and not to mention that he hates your guts.”

Daniel didn’t seem surprised by that. “What did he do?” he just asked.

“He complained about you this morning for starters,” you opened your fathers office and plopped onto the sofa. Daniel sat next to you. “Then he overheard Bea and I talking about our dinner date and he got so angry over it.”

“He got angry that his ex-girlfriend is moving on?”

“Yep,” you answered, rubbing your face. “I asked him what his deal was and he turned around and yelled at me for repaying him for going out with you.”

Daniel shifted around on the sofa, he crossed his legs and placed a hand on your shoulder. The gentle touch began to calm you down. You sat back and closed your eyes. You felt two fingers lightly brush the hair from the side of your face behind your ear. You opened your eyes and looked to the side. There sat Daniel, his dark eyes just looking into yours. He looked so peaceful and so sweet. You wanted to sit like this forever.

“I have to report this to my Dad,” you broke the silence and sat up. “He put his hands on me and my Dad isn’t going to like it at all.”


The next evening as you got ready for your dinner date with Daniel, you thought back to the conversation you had with your father. It went as you expected it to go. He was calm through it all of it and you knew that if your father was calm, he was pissed. He obviously made sure you were okay, you were his only child and daughter. It didn’t matter the relationship he had with Finn, Finn grabbed you and insulated Daniel and his family.

“I’ll take care of it,” your father said. “Just enjoy your weekend and your dinner with Daniel.”

When you had told your father about your dinner with Daniel, he didn’t sound surprised. He was really cool about it and was just happy you were getting back into the world of dating.

“You’re not concerned about the age difference?” You asked. You weren’t too iffy on the age because you were a consenting adult. You just wanted to make sure your father was okay with it, because it mattered to you what he thought about it.

“No, not at all,” your father replied. “Your mother had you late in her forties. We are old enough to be his parents. Plus, Daniel approached me before I left town to see if it was okay to take you to dinner and that his intentions were one hundred percent pure.”

It was not long after you got ready that Daniel knocked on your door. You got up from your couch and made your way towards your door. You peeked through the little eye hole and saw Daniel standing there in a grey suit, almost like the one that he wore that very first day at the track.

You took a step back and opened the door. Once you did, you watched as Daniels took a deep breath as he looked you over. You wore a red sundress with white flowers printed around it. The Dress had a deep V in the front that stopped in the middle between both your breasts. The shoes you wore were a beige gladiator sandal like heel, the straps went half way up your calf. Your hair hung low around your shoulders and your make up was natural except for the light pink lip gloss you threw on.

Wunderschӧnen,” Daniel said licking his top lip. The small action alone had your cheeks rosy with color. But you knew that he had called you beautiful or something like that. Even the way he looked you said it.

“I don’t really dress up like this,” you brushed the slightly wrinkled front of your dress. “This dress is like three years old I think and the shoes, Bea let me borrow those…” You let your voice wander off.

“You look lovely,” Daniel smiled as he looked you over again. How was he going to get through dinner with you looking like that? “Shall we?” He offered his hand to you and you took it with a smile. “I promise to make tonight memorable.”


Dinner was amazing.

The two of you barely ate anything because the two of you couldn’t stop talking. You guys started out talking about each other’s childhood and somehow the two of you ended up talking about some cat video you saw that morning. Talking about that video had you laughing all over again.

“Let me see,” Daniel stood up from his side of the table and moved to sit next to you. He placed one arm behind your back as you got the video ready. When you pressed play on the video, instantly Daniel started to laugh. You loved his laugh so much. “That was good,” he said when the video was over. “That was really good. I needed a laugh like that.”

“Well, I’m glad I can give that to you,” you took a sip of the wine that Daniel had insisted you try. You were a beer kind of gal and you only liked certain wines, so you tried it and were very much in love with the semi dry alcohol. “Tonight is very nice and I’m very much enjoying every second of it.”

Daniels hand rested on the small of your back and began to slowly rub his thumb in circles. The smile on his face said it all. He was enjoying everything about tonight. The way you laughed was something out of a book. The way you leaned over the table earlier while the two of you talked got him worked up and he wanted nothing more than to take you in the restaurant bathroom. To nuzzle his face between your breasts. To have his way with you. Then the way your soft skin felt under his rough, calloused hand–everything in that moment was perfect for Daniel.

“As am I,” Daniel replied. He watched as your tongue quickly darted out and wet your lips. He wanted to know what they would feel like against his own. Were they soft? Would they moan and whimper his name if he had his way with you? But Daniel couldn’t, not tonight at least. Daniel just wanted to take you out. He wanted to enjoy your company outside of the track.

When the check came and was paid for, Daniel walked you to your side of the car and held the door open for you. You got in and let Daniel close the door. Tonight was the best night you had in years. It was what you needed.

Then your phone rang. It was Bea.

“Are you calling to see if I’m still living?” You answered the phone.

“You can’t blame me,” Bea laughed. “But now that I have you, tell me all about it.”

You looked to see Daniel standing outside the driver side door. He had his phone in his hands and it looked like he was texting someone. “Well, I’m still with him. But I can tell you that it’s been amazing. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“You better, I have a homicide detective on speed dial,” Bea giggled.

“Bye, Bea,” you hung up the phone in time to hear Daniel get in.

“Sorry about that,” Daniel said, buckling in. “An old buddy texted me. Wanted to see how tonight went. Told him I would call him once I had you dropped off.”

“That’s sweet of him,” You tucked your phone back into your wallet. “Bea called me to make sure I was alive. She watches too many crime documentaries and somehow was convinced you were a serial killer and I was just your type.”

Daniel got a good laugh at that. “Well, she did get one thing right.” He started the car and put the car in reverse. The look on your face questioned his statement and he saw that. “You are my type.”


Daniel walked you to your apartment door and held your ice cream as you opened your door. He followed you in and shut the door with his shoulder. You set your things and turned to him with a small smile on your face. You wanted to ask if he wanted to stay for a drink and hang out for a while but you began to feel the butterflies in your stomach.

You turned back around and reached for the random clean glass that sat in the dish rack. You quickly filled it with tap water and chugged it until it was all gone. You set the glass to the side and turned to see Daniel still eyeing you. The way you noticed how his eyes flicker around body made your cheeks burn. Gosh, you don’t remember how long it’s been to have someone make you feel like this. You weren’t sure when the last time in your and Finn’s relationship he made you feel like that.

“Thanks for dinner,” You told him, crossing over to him to get your slowly melting ice cream from him. “I had an amazing time.”

“As did I,” Daniel handed you the cone. “I guess I should be going. I don’t want to take up more of your night.”

You walked Daniel to the door. You were bummed that the night needed to end because you wanted more of his company. Daniel wanted the same but he knew that if he stayed any longer he would be even more tempted to have his way with you. Daniel wasn’t someone to just fuck on the first date.

Daniel turned around once he opened the door. There you were, your body practically brushing up against his as he looked down at you. Daniel immediately took notice of your flushed, rosy cheeks and the way your chest rose and fell with each deep breath. You, too, were holding yourself back.

Daniel couldn’t stop himself, he reached for your face and pulled it towards his. The moment your lips touched, it felt like a million sparks were set off inside your body. You instinctively wrapped your arms around Daniels neck and held him closer to your body. Daniel slid a hand around your shoulder while the other hand slid down to grip your hip. He walked you back until your back hit the wall.

Your lips and his moved together like a dance. His were soft against your own. They were intoxicating and your mind was drunk on the feeling. Daniel let his tongue slip out and brush over your bottom one, causing you to moan. You could feel the arousal pooling between your folds. You wanted more. You hitched your leg up and wrapped it around his waist. Daniel grabbed it.

Querida, no,” Daniel pulled back and rested his head on yours. He was breathing hard and so were you. “We shouldn’t, at least not tonight.” He pulled his face back and brushed some loose hair from your face. “I want to make it a more meaningful first time for us. I want to kiss every inch of your body and worship it. I want to feel the softness of your skin on mine and to hear you scream out my name as I’m working you through multiple orgasms.”

You didn’t have any words. At first you were honestly a little disappointed to be turned down but as Daniel spoke, you felt your chest clench up and your cheeks warm up. You wanted Daniel even more now. You wanted to feel him inside you giving you the pleasure he knew you needed and wanted to give you.

“Okay,” you nodded your head. Your voice was just above a whisper but you knew that Daniel heard you.

Daniel smiled and leaned in to press his lips once more to yours. When he pulled away, he let your leg fall and took a step back. He put his hands in his pockets, “I very much enjoyed tonight, Y/N. I’ll see you Monday, meine Liebe.”

After Daniel left, you closed the door. You made a beeline towards your room. You flopped onto your bed and reached over to the night stand. You pulled out your friendly little buzzing toy and checked the batteries. When you were positive they worked you turned the lights off and called it an early night.


When Monday came around, your father was back in town. You tried to approach him about Finn but he said he’d talk to you after work. You understood why as soon as the first group of suits came in. There were meetings after meetings today and Daniel was a part of all of them with your father. So you hardly saw them. Only in passing where Daniel would wink at you from afar. Or the best one, you were making an afternoon cup of coffee when you felt Daniel next to you. He brushed against you as much as he could and whispered something in one of the many languages he knows.

By the time it was ready to shut down the track for the night, you went to find your father. Once you did, you were caught up on all the going ons with Finn. Which made you realize that the reason today went super smooth, Finn wasn’t at the track. You were happy that your father took care of it because from what he told you, you knew it needed to happen.

You were doing the last of your closing duties when you heard something bang around in one of the garages near you. You finish tying up the last bag and make your way towards the only garage open. There you see Daniel, arms deep into the engine of his red car. You heard him muttering under his breath and he didn’t sound like he was in a good mood.

“Hey,” you called while walking into the garage. “Do you need a skinner arm?”

Daniel stood up and as he did, he bumped his head on the hood of the car. “Y/N, I didn’t hear you come in.”

You walked next to him and looked into the spot that Daniel’s arm was just in. “Looks like you lost a bolt. I might be able to reach it for you.” You took the sweater you were wearing off and threw your hair into a crappy bun and reached into the engine. “How’d you manage to knock this down there?”

“I knocked the car and it just fell,” Daniel replied. You could feel him standing next to you. “There was a rattle and I wanted to fix it.”

You managed to get the bolt until you felt another concerning thing in the engine. “Well that isn’t your only problem.” You stood up and handed him the bolt. “I felt something down there, might want to see what it is.”

Daniel rolled under the car and heard a few soft curses. When he rolled out he had a look on his face that pretty much told you that he wasn’t happy about what he had found. He sat up and rubbed his face. “Mouse nest and a few chewed up wires.”

You knelt down in front of him and placed a hand on his forearm. You didn’t miss how his muscles tensed up and relaxed at your touch. “It’s common around here,” you gave him a half smile. “I’ve had mice in my engine a few times. The wires are an easy fix and I can help you with that tomorrow.”

Daniel turned to you and took your hand in his. “I appreciate that, Liebling.” Then he leaned towards you and pressed his lips on yours. You felt your knees give out from under you and you landed right on his lap. One leg on either side of him.

Daniel’s hands were on your hips pulling you closer to him. This allowed you to wrap your arms around his neck and deepen the kiss even more. Eliciting a low groan from Daniel and feeling the grip on your hips tighten. “Scheiße!” Daniel pulled back and you saw how blown his pupils were with lust. He wanted you, and he wanted you bad. You wanted the exact same thing.

Daniel gripped your hips tighter and shuffled around until your legs were wrapped around his waist. He managed to stand up and walked towards the workbench that was beside you guys. He placed you down and let his hands run from your hips down to the bottom of your thighs. Even though you wore jeans, his hands still left goosebumps in their wake. Making you groan softly.

Daniel placed a gentle kiss to the base of your neck and nuzzled his nose up to your jaw, the hair of his beard tickling the sensitive parts of your skin. . “Daniel,” you breathed a sigh and let your head fall back. Your hands held onto both his forearms. Your legs still wrapped around his waist. “Please, Daniel,” you whined softly, tightening your legs around him.

Daniel groaned when he felt his half hard, clothed erection brush against your clothed core. You sucked in a soft, sharp breath. The sound of his name on your lips was music to his ears. It was the most beautiful sound and he wanted to hear it again. Daniel moved his left hand between your bodies and pressed his thumb to your almost damp center.

“Mmmm,” Daniel hummed and pulled away. He kept his thumb where it was and slowly rubbed small circles. He watched as you closed your eyes and let your mouth fall open. “We probably should take this somewhere else.” He leaned in towards your ear and brushed his lips over them, sending a chill down your back. “Or we can risk getting caught on camera or by someone walking in here.”

The idea of getting caught thrilled you, but you remembered where you were. The risk of getting caught was high, but the risk of getting caught by your father was even more high. You took a deep breath and brought a hand up to his hair and gently gripped it. “Then we should probably take my car to your place.”


You had barely made it through the doorway when you felt Daniel pull you towards his chest. He shut and locked the door and had you pushed up on the closest wall in seconds. His lips crashed onto yours and you could feel the hunger behind the kiss. His hands strayed from your sides to your ass where he squeezed. You squealed and felt a smile on Daniel’s face.

Daniel pulled you away from the wall and guided you back towards his small living room. His lips never left yours. Daniel still couldn’t believe that you were right here. In his arms, his lips on yours. He knew back at the track, he wouldn’t be able to control himself. He would have taken you right there on that workbench if he hadn’t thought about the camera hanging in the corner of the small area.

Daniel pulled away from you briefly to turn the two of you around and sit on the couch. He leaned forward and pulled you towards him. He looked up at you with those dark eyes and you smiled as you placed your hands on his shoulders and straddled his lap.

You kept eye contact with Daniel while you let your hands slide down to his chest. One by one, you undid each button on his shirt. Once the last button was done, you slide your hands over Daniel’s chest to the golden chain that hung around his neck. You looped your finger around the chain and pressed your lips to his.

Daniel’s arms wrapped around you and he held on tight to you as he leaned back. Daniels hands slid to the bottom of your shirt and gently gripped the hem and tugged. You leaned back and let Daniel swiftly take your shirt off. Leaving you in your bra. It wasn’t lacey at all, just a solid ocean green color.

Daniel leaned forward some and slid a hand up your back until it reached your bra clasp. In one swift movement, your bra was undone and on the floor. Daniel looked at your bare breast and took them into his hands and squeezed them. You closed your eyes and exhaled. You didn’t even realize that you were even holding your breath.

You opened your eyes when you felt Daniel shift around. He had his arms around you again and was standing up. He began to carry you back towards his room. Daniel dropped you down on the soft mattress and as you were backing up, Daniel was crawling his way towards you.

Your back hit the head board and Daniel slid a hand between your legs and used a knee to spread your legs enough to fit himself in between them. The hand that slid between your legs reached the button of your jeans.

With one little look he asked, “Do you still want this? I’ll understand if you want to-”

You cut Daniel off and grabbed hold of his face and brought him to your lips. You kiss him hard and let your tongue run along the bottom part of his lip before pulling away. Daniel groaned “Of course I want this. I want you,” you breathed deeply. “I’ve been waiting for something like this. Someone like you.”

Daniel’s lips curved into a mischievous grin. He leaned back onto his knees, letting his hair fall into face as he pulled your jeans down in one swift movement. “And you, mi querida,” he crawled his way back up to you and brushed your hair from your face. “Are everything that I have been looking for. Now, let me treat you like the goddess that I know you are.”
