#bs crack



an unofficial exploration of which black sails and our flag means death characters would do best/worst in each others universes

characters who would crush it in a worldswap

Izzy - izzy wakes up every day and curses god that he doesn’t get to hang out with BS blackbeard, who would fucking hate Izzy. He’d call izzy a gross little pervert and izzy would have the best orgasm of his life about it

Ed - not saying he would crush it, but I think he would develop a big weird crush on flint and his clavichord and teakettles and it would be very funny for me personally

Silver - ya boy would CLEAN UP. whole new world of pirates here who don’t know his reputation for bullshit and genuinely believe in the power of friendship. scams for days

Anne Bonny - another clean sweep. no survivors. she and Jim exchange a stoic nod. would introduce much-needed lesbian biodiversity to the ofmd biome, like bringing wolves back to yellowstone

Flint - if i think about this too much i start crying 

Jack Rackham - would finally be appreciated as the fashion icon he is. also huge improvement over the will arnett version of jack. In general, would have a nice time and go home very refreshed

Characters who would not have a good time in a worldswap:

Charles “it’s gay to live in a house” Vane - sure he’s tough but can he survive getting dunked on constantly? Probably not.

Lucius - I think he’d get by alright actually but would HATE it and be very sulky

Stede- stabbed to death and corpse looted the second he sets foot in nassau, RIP

‘Cause every time we touchI feel the static ~Silver has trouble collecting his thoughts and stroking‘Cause every time we touchI feel the static ~Silver has trouble collecting his thoughts and stroking

‘Cause every time we touch
I feel the static ~

Silver has trouble collecting his thoughts and stroking his own beard isn’t quite enough stimulation to help… but Flint has such a nice beard, wouldn’t you want to touch it and learn something about proper grooming habits dear ~ So Madi is amused af when her suggestion actually works and Flint will be running high on endorphins until the first mirror lol. And Silver did get his thoughts sorted out  — now he knows what to order for tomorrow’s barbecue!

I found the sketches again and finally finished these ^^; Static electricity probably doesn’t work quite like that but anyway xD Also if (historical) Blackbeard can have fire and smoke beard then Flint can have electric love uh I mean fearsome lightning beard. Please, do not repost elsewhere :)

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