#bsd john steinbeck


[ 02/27 || Happy Birthday, John Steinbeck! ]

John Steinbeck [HC] {sfw}

Having a crush headcanons.

this man can suck my nuts for hurting sweet yumeno—


✧ When he has a crush on someone, he’s rather fairly open about it. He’s always talking to Lovecraft about anything and everything, pretty loudly, too so it isn’t really a surprise when they figure that they’re the one he has a crush on.

✧ He becomes five times nicer to them than he already was. For example, if he sees them heading towards a door that is closed, he’ll go out of his way and run to open it. He gets skittish and tries to act more gentlemanly in hopes he can capture their fancy.

✧ Although he goes out of his way to do many kind gestures for them, he’s actually afraid to talk to them if he hasn’t already. He’s usually pretty open and carefree about who exactly he is talking to, but when it comes to them, he’s terrified. If he does talk to them already, all he’ll wanna do is listen without interrupting them (which he actually does a lot).

✧ He doesn’t get jealous easily, but at the same time it doesn’t take much for him to get jealous—or in this case, envious of another person (male). If his crush is simply standing next to another male, he doesn’t mind. Talking, he’s fine. But the moment another person’s hands or body part is on you, he’ll go on and interrupt. Whether or not he’s close with them, he’ll go and intervene by striking a conversation (even if it’s random, he’s absolutely aware that things are awkward but he wants the touching to stop).

✧ He finds that his crush pops up in his mind quite often. Not too often that he’s always daydreaming about them, but enough that he talks to Lovecraft about them, trying to get his opinion on them (to which Lovecraft responds, “They’re great…I want to sleep now.”).


✧ April 1st, 2019 ✧
