#bts x read



Reaction:Yoongi meets you in a meet and greet and you have a child withyou.

A/N:Just a quick little work that I thought would be funny. I’m open to new requests <3

°•. ✿ .•°

 Now, Yoongi loved his fans, he really did. Army was everything to him.

Well, almost everything. His dog was also a big part of his life.

But anyway.

Army was an intrinsic part of who he was and he appreciated every single fan with enough power to light up the city of New York. 

But still, after a couple hours of meet and greets and a few hundred faces, the mind starts to wonder and people start to blurr. He would like to say that he remembered every single fan he greeted, but that would not be realistic as he was just one little man with limited storage space in his brain. Sometimes he forgot some, but he liked to believe that the feeling lingered.

But you… Damn, you he wouldn’t forget.

Keep reading

I already started working on part 2 to this so if youd like to be tagged once it comes out (hopefully in just a couple of days) let me know!
