#btw its a problematic kink too



i can’t believe thinking shipping FUCKING ADULTS WITH CHILDRENorMOTHERFUCKING INCEST is wrong is an “unpopular opinion” on this hellsite

go outside for once in your life you fucking wheat bagels

really, go outside and tell someone ‘i think it’s okay to glorify pedophilia, abuse, and incest’…… wonder how they’ll react?

and yes, i’m going to crosstag this so all you absolute fuckfaced tree branches can see some common fucking sense in your ‘uwu shipping isn’t reality!!!’ echo chambers

As I’ve said before, I make it no secret that I have problematic ships in real life. I was actually talking to my therapist today about how the thorki community on Twitter was encouraging me when I said I wanted to write kinky stuff and you know what? He thought that was good. It’s a positive influence on my life. My mom knows about some of my weirder ships and she doesn’t care at all. In general, people don’t care about which fictional characters you like to imagine kissing. They care about how you treat people in real life.
