


notes: I really, really hope you like this!!! When I saw you didn’t like angst, I was like, “Oh no…” I’m so much more of an angst master than anything else… But anyway, I hope you enjoy! Kinda a twist on Soul Mate AUs that I came up with a few years ago, and now I had an excuse to write about it!

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A KuraRyou exchange gift for @musicprincess655from @bubblysage


Les Retrouvailles (n.) French The joy of reuniting with someone after a long separation. Meeting again, especially after spending a long time apart.

La vie c’est des étapes… La plus douce c’est l’amour… La plus dure c’est la séparation… La plus pénible c’est les adieux… La plus belle c’est les retrouvailles.


Life is made up of stages… the most pleasant one is love, the hardest one is separation, the most difficult one is saying goodbye, [and] the loveliest one is meeting up with others again after spending time apart.


aka The story of a series of meetings and separations between Mochi and Ryou.

Words: 30,323 

Chapters: 5/5

Tags: KuraRyou, KuraRyou Exchange 2018, College AU

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