#bucky x avengerreader


Baby Egg Experiment one shot

A/N:This is just a weird little thing inspied by a tikitok can find it rn bit its funnyI hope you like it, and as alwaysFeedback is always appreciated if you want to be Tagged, either send an ask or comment on this or click on Taglist open.


Warnings:Fluff, The Avengers proving that they shouldn’t be parents and humor

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You and Bucky had gathered the Avengers in the common room, you and Bucky had been married for a year now, and all the team has done is pestered both of you about how they wanted a nice or nephew so you decided that you wanted to have a sit down, you figured out a good way to teach them a lesson. “Alright, Avengers. All you guys have done for months now is pester me and Bucky about having a baby. It has yet to actually happen you all have spoken. But before I let this man impregnate me, I need to know that my future baby child will be surrounded by people who can take care of them, there for I will give you all a baby egg, the point is you have to take care of the egg all of the eggs have my signature so if you by a new one after cracking it I will know. I’m also giving you a list of rules you have to follow.” You passed out little papers with rules for the eggs.

Name your egg
Do Not Break The Egg
Take Care Of The Egg
Draw a face on the egg
Do Not Drop The Egg
Take Care Of The Egg
Make the egg clothes
Do Not Drop The Egg
Take Care Of The Egg
Keep them with you at all times
Do Not Drop The Egg
Take Care Of The Egg

“Are you getting an egg Y/n?” Natasha asked.

“Of course, not I’m the mother that is going to have to carry the baby for nine months I’ll have motherly instincts.” You answer.

Thor smiled. “Alright give me my egg baby, I’m ready!”

“Great.” You grabbed the egg carton and started passing out the eggs.

“Can I higher a baby sitter?” Tony asked after receiving his.

You sighed. “Tony that wouldn’t be you taking care of the egg.”

“I’m naming my egg Greg.” Peter said.

Steve looked at you like you were crazy. “I don’t see the point of this taking care of an egg will be es-” Steve dropped his egg right after trying to tell you that your idea was dumb. “…. That was an accident.” he said after a moment of silence.

“You are to get nowhere near my future children.” You teased being dramatic.

“No, no, no, no, no, it was an accident give me another egg please.” Steve begged.

“Give him another egg, baby, he’ll do better, we promise.” Bucky said to you.

“10 bucks.” You said flatly.

“For an egg?” Steve asked.

“For an egg that giving you a second chance to prove yourself that you are worthy to be around your future nieces and nephews.” You reprimanded both men handed you 1o$ bills.

“Keep the change.” They grumbled.

A few days later you were walking and you passed by Tony he had the egg following him in a weird stand with weals. “What the fuck is that.” Tony went on explaining it to you. “I didn’t get any of that but make one for me I hate walking.” You joked.

Later you found Bucky Peter and Thor in the living room. “I named my egg ham tro and gave him a brown wig, you want to know why?” Thor asked.

“Because you think Peter looks like a hamster with fake brown hair?” Bucky asked the god.

“No, it’s because I think Peter looks like a hamster with fake brown hair.” Thor said.

“I’m honored.” Peter said

Thor glared at the child. “You’re not supposed to be.”

“How’s your egg Peter?” You asked.

“Absolutely amazingly great I’m loving life with Uniqua.” Peter answered a little too thrilled.

“You dropped her, didn’t you?” Bucky asked, Peter hung his head.

“Yeah, I dropped her we were bopping to music when I slipped and yeah.” He said nervously.

“Bucky it’s our turn to go to the grocery store. Let’s go.” Steve told your husband.

“Where are your eggs?” You asked.

“In the basket.” Steve pointed to the two eggs.

“It’s like there raising them together like twins.” Peter laughed.

A few days after you walked into the lab and found Bruce but no egg Babie. “How’s your egg baby?” You asked.

“Hey Y/n, Eggshella is doing just fine thanks for asking.” He said as he continued to work.

“Thats great how where is she?” You looked around seeing if you could find the egg baby.

“Oh, I put her in the fridge while I worked in here didn’t want to accidently knock her off the table or something.” He told you.

“Hold on, you put your egg baby in the fridge?” You asked your tone sarcastic.

“Yes.: Bruce nodded.

“You put your egg baby in the fridge with other eggs?” Your head tilted.

“I don’t think I’m understanding what you’re trying to tell me Y/n.” Bruce replied.

“Bruce, you put your egg baby amongst other eggs. Now what would happen if someone got hungry and wanted to make scrambled eggs?” Your hands were on your hips as you looked at the older man.

“Oh…oh no.” Bruce dropped everything and ran out of the lab.

You and Bucky were lying in bed watching a movie and talking. “Steve and I have been taking care of our egg baby’s together.”
“Mhm yeah I know I’ve seen plenty of pictures from Steve, He’s sent me tones I don’t know if it’s to make me jealous or just because he wants me to know how good he’s doing.” You nodded.

“He sends you pictures?” Bucky asked.

“Yeah, he sent me one of you kissing your egg baby.” You smiled.

“That wasn’t me.” He shook his head.

“I know what my husband looks like, I know your bright blue eyes down to your dark brown hair plus you’re wearing the leather jacket I bought you.” You reply looking up at him.

“I want to have twins.” He admitted.

“Twins?” You asked. “Yeah, not happening.”
