#bucky x peter


Consider: WW2 Sergeant (i think) James “Bucky” Barnes and US Marines Soldier Francis “Frank” Castle (he changed it from Castiglione) shooting back to back in Wakanda during the Infinity War fight.

Imagine; two broken soldiers meeting on the battlefield

Imagine; those same broken soldiers relating their friends (Steve, Sam {kinda}, Natasha, Sharon etc) vs (Matt Murdock {kinda} and Karen)


plus i feel they’d both be protective af

(I haven’t gotten to watching The Punisher yet but I’m pretty sure he’s got a friend called David or smthn)

BTW I got this idea whilst imagining a scenario where Peter (Spider-man) is working with Luke Cage, Franks Castle and other people who use guns, immediately Frank came to mind and now look at this

There is not enough content for Bucky and Peter, like I need at least an hours worth per day!

I want to explore all the things, Peter making tiktok vids and Bucky not understanding.

Them discussing The Hobbit and LOTR.

Arguing over what to watch on Netflix.

Peter showing Bucky how to do something on his smartphone/tablet/laptop and Bucky being a total old man about it.

Bucky asking Peter to help him find porn.

Bickering over who was the best Avenger, Iron Man or Cap.

Bucky refusing to allow Peter candy after a certain time of the day.

Peter insisting Bucky drink coffee within an hour of waking up.

Unless they’re having morning sex, Bucky is a lot less grumpy after morning sex.

Eating out all the time. Because they can.
