#bughead quotes



He leans towards her. The space between them is rife with a strange desperation. A push and a pull. He thinks he’s been travelling all his life to reach this destination, this tiny space between their lips and heartbeats.

I love you, he thinks, I love you and I don’t even know what it means.

Her warm breath fans out over his face, her eyes fixed on the movement of his mouth. She’s waiting, waiting, waiting. She’s terrified. He’s falling and he’ll take her with him and he knows she’s afraid of how steep that fall may be. There’s one last plea in her eyes, when they meet his. They can still turn back, she’s saying, there’s no returning from where he’s leading her.

Write Our Names In the Book of Loveby@honestlyhappymoon (submitted by @thepointoftheneedle)

Oh wow! Thankyou @thepointoftheneedle for the sweet mention!!❤❤


For Jughead, the end of the world feels nearly like everything else in his life. Disappointing. For someone who has invested so much in words, the apocalypse is devoid of all the glorious doom promised by the poets. It is simply the loss of sound. He has always been a quiet soul and the words that die on everyone else’s lips still find their way on paper in his hands. The quieter it has gotten, the more verbose his characters.

I would woo you in a quiet place (if i could speak the words)by@honestlyhappymoon (submitted by @winterlovesong1)

@winterlovesong1 thank you so much!! I’m so happy you enjoyed this story!❤❤
