#build-a-brin workshop



I started to do this on Friday, but just as I was clicked “start streaming,” a friend called so I ended before I really began. Today, we’re going to try to finish the hammer I started on my last stream in … *looks at watch* … uh … *looks at calendar* … um, OCTOBER?!

Then I’m going to try my hand at repairing a bumper for a friend’s car. I’m using a new tool and I’m not super sure how well it’s going to go, but better to try and fail than never try and never succeed.



I started to do this on Friday, but just as I was clicked “start streaming,” a friend called so I ended before I really began. Today, we’re going to try to finish the hammer I started on my last stream in … *looks at watch* … uh … *looks at calendar* … um, OCTOBER?!

Then I’m going to try my hand at repairing a bumper for a friend’s car. I’m using a new tool and I’m not super sure how well it’s going to go, but better to try and fail than never try and never succeed.

