#bumi ii



Okay I never posted this when I made it for some reason so hi here’s a realism-adjacent Solan and Bumi piece which is very Soft. Sometime in the first year after season 3 of the show, when they are in that new couple puppy love stage. Referenced a screenshot from the movie Maurice.

Oh yeah check out my Commissions if you want me to draw you and your fave smooching!


A drawing made to look like a polaroid of my O C Solan and Bumi from The Legend of Korra. They're shown as young men, both wearing tank tops and military fatigue pants. They both look happy.
The same drawing, but the filters have been removed so it's no longer imitating the look of an old photo.

I JUST REALIZED I NEVER POSTED THESE WHEN I MADE THEM? Okay here’s the illustration for the second chapter of my oc x canon fanfiction! It’s supposed to be the old picture Solan has in his wallet that’s mentioned in the last part of the chapter :)

You can read Take My Hand and Sink With Me right [here!]

By the time of posting this I actually have the third chapter pretty much written, so it should be posted fairly soon!



I put Izumi in this picture because she would help Kya and Lin to have the most romantic date possible (although Izumi doesn’t know how to cook very well), and of course Bumi would also help.

the same meme from the first pic but drawn with the characters. it's Kya and Lin on a date. Izumi is in the background holding a frying pan that's on fire. Bumi is also there, losing it over the fire.

I drew the thing :3

queerselfships: The illustration for the first chapter of my fanfic Take My Hand and Sink With Me, w


The illustration for the first chapter of my fanfic Take My Hand and Sink With Me, which I forgot to post when I actually posted the first chapter whoops. Uhhh u should read my fic tho its good. oc x canon rights

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a little epilogue to my ficfor@orangepanic


The two of them are nearly at the door when Asami first approaches them. Izumi feels sad for the girl- Pema told her what happened between her and all of her other friends. It doesn’t help that Mako and Korra are more affectionate than most couples, and she can imagine it sort of stings.

“Can I come with you?” Asami speaks before they can. “To the hospital, that is.”

She looks eager to go with them, and her eyes flicker between the two of them. They widen for a split second minute she sees Bumi’s arm wrapped around her waist.

Bumi shrugs, using his free hand to open the door. “Sure, but I’m warning ya’, I love Iroh more than life but the kid doesn’t talk much.”

“I’m sure I won’t mind.”




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I thought long about Day 4’s prompts (of @atlaocweek) and what to write. And you know what? I think I will just share some headcanons with you now and write that later (maybe). It sounds really funny in my head, so I’m looking forward to writing that one day (when I feel better).

Since today’s theme was Alternate Universe, I thought, why not bring in the thought that I had for a while:

Appearance wise, Rosemary reminds me so much of Bumi. And I have no idea why but here it is. An AU with my girls Lian and Mebuki (and also Bumi and Iroh cuz I need them) setting in the world of Delicious Party Pretty Cure. We have

  • Lian as Cure Gummy [キュアガミー] (food: fire gummies/mochi) & Gumgum [ガムガム] the monkey fairy.
  • Mebuki as Cure Roast [キュアロースト] (food: Song’s Roast Duck (thanks atla cook book))&Yakuyaku[ヤクヤク], the gecko fairy.
  • Iroh would get the alter ego of Chili Pepper [チリ・ペッパー] and Bumi the role of the captain of the CooKingom.

And together they rescue the food fairies to save the world of tastiness! Watch the craziness unfold one day!!

Dear Blue Light

Summary:After Mebuki was found by Bumi after the solstice, she has spent a few days with him and the crew. Her family is still… At least she was happy to know Bumi has a family.

Note:Yesterday was not a good day for me, so I ended up postponing my submission until now. It may be a little late, but there’s still time for family. Written for @atlaocweek

kkachi95:Desparate time calls for desparate measure I guess You KNOW Bumi thought this was hilariouskkachi95:Desparate time calls for desparate measure I guess You KNOW Bumi thought this was hilariouskkachi95:Desparate time calls for desparate measure I guess You KNOW Bumi thought this was hilariouskkachi95:Desparate time calls for desparate measure I guess You KNOW Bumi thought this was hilariouskkachi95:Desparate time calls for desparate measure I guess You KNOW Bumi thought this was hilariouskkachi95:Desparate time calls for desparate measure I guess You KNOW Bumi thought this was hilarious


Desparate time calls for desparate measure I guess

You KNOW Bumi thought this was hilarious, snickering the whole flight back.

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Poor Uncle Sokka, still traumatized from the Cave of Two Lovers, I see…Poor Uncle Sokka, still traumatized from the Cave of Two Lovers, I see…Poor Uncle Sokka, still traumatized from the Cave of Two Lovers, I see…

Poor Uncle Sokka, still traumatized from the Cave of Two Lovers, I see…

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Cleaned up some sketches I did when working on my story “Milk and Honey,” including an illustration Cleaned up some sketches I did when working on my story “Milk and Honey,” including an illustration Cleaned up some sketches I did when working on my story “Milk and Honey,” including an illustration Cleaned up some sketches I did when working on my story “Milk and Honey,” including an illustration

Cleaned up some sketches I did when working on my story “Milk and Honey,” including an illustration that I didn’t love enough to finish and include in the text. Weren’t these three precious? Bumi looks a little Sun Wukong, but I think it works.

(okay Dark Horse please hire me to create a series about them thanks love ya)

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Knock, knock. “You’re awake, right?” Knock, knock, knock.“Bumi?”

Kya waits for a few moments at the door, but there’s no answer, not even the sound of movement. So she has to go inside. Great.

Taking a deep breath, Kya throws the door open as wide as she can before marching into the Dread Cave of Boy-Stink that is her big brother’s bedroom. She’s grateful that the open door lets in plenty of light, so she can navigate the piles of clothes littering his floor. Scrunched up in one corner of his bed under a tangle of sheets, Bumi would almost blend in, if not for his gentle snoring and unruly shock of dark hair.

She shakes him by the shoulder, which only gets a mutter out of him about the floor being lava before he settles down again. Still holding her breath, she claps her hands in his face. When that doesn’t work, she claps onhis face, which finally rouses him.

“Ngah!” His eyes shoot open, but he doesn’t bother sitting up. “…Ky? What’s the standing ovation for?” He can only squint at her stupidly while she gestures at the door. It’s time to get up, obviously!

Her breath and her patience run out simultaneously. “I said I’d come get you for breakfast!” After a moment to process the air quality, she adds, “Yech! It’s like you sleep in a butt.” It’s a testament to his grogginess that Bumi doesn’t giggle at this.

“What? Ugh, I’ll just grab something later.” He rolls over, putting his back to her.

Before he can drift off again, Kya gives him a good shove. “It’s Tenzin’s birthday, remember? Dad’s doing a thing.” He just grunts and pulls the blankets tighter, so she tries her sweet little sister voice on him. “He’s really excited about it, and we’re all supposed to be there. Please…?

To this, Bumi just makes exaggerated snoring noises, which is rude, frankly.

“If I have to be there, so do you!” That gets him up.

“You’re half my age!” he shoots back as he sits up to face her. “You don’t get to tell me what to do!”

“Nuh-uh! I’m turning eight in a month and a half, remember?”

“…I mean, no? Why would I remember that?”

Kya feels her lip quiver, a sign it’s time to retreat. “Fine, stay in bed! Dad’s the one who cares, not me!” She leaves in a huff, giving a pile of clothes a kick on the way out for good measure. It actually makes the room look cleaner, somehow.

Bumi can’t help but notice that she leaves his door wide open, which he supposes he can’t blame her for. That was a little mean of him. He contemplates closing it and going back to sleep, but he’s basically awake now, anyway.

After a good yawn ‘n’ stretch, he scoots off the edge of his bed and smacks his lips. Does his mouth actually taste like old socks, or is that just the ambiance in here? Sensing movement, his stomach gives a tremendous growl. Fine, breakfast it is, but not because Kya told him to.

He does a quick underwear check to make sure nothing too embarrassing is happening down there before he grabs a handy pair of pants off his floor and hops into them. This pair is only a couple of months old, and they’re already pinching at the hips and showing too much ankle.

It really is a raw deal, being a teenager. Just when you’ve finally made peace with the way you were born, your body gets crazy with the hormones and turns monstrous. Bumi’s in the middle of a big growth spurt, and he’s never felt more awkward in his life. Always lumbering around like a kid on stilts, his bones full of needles. He can only hope that when this is all finished his hands will finally be the right size for his body.

*     *     *

“I had this stuff all the time growing up at the Southern Air Temple.” Aang proudly holds up a fat glass jar of …something. It’s thick and white. Yogurt is Kya’s best guess. But why would Dad be this happy about yogurt? Is this just a dad thing, like cooking outdoors?

“Flying bison milk!” Okay, that makes sense. “It’s a rare delicacy now, but your dad pulled a few strings.”

“Sweetie, you’re the Avatar,” says Katara. “I’m pretty sure you can get whatever kind of milk you want.” She smiles at the acolytes as they set out two pots of hot tea.

“But this is special!” Aang’s grin broadens, and Kya knows what’s coming next. This is a Teachable Moment. “Say, would either of you happen to know why it’s so hard to get this?”

Kya glances over at Tenzin before saying the first thing that comes to her mind, even knowing it’s probably not the answer her dad wants. “Well, there aren’t a lot of them left?”

“True, but what’s the big reason?” He looks at little Tenzin expectantly while Katara pours the tea.

“Because we’re trying to make more,” answers the Golden Child. “Lots of babies need lots of milk, so every drop is presush.”

Precious,” corrects Kya under her breath.

Read the rest over on AO3, linked in source and My Works.



surprise!!! it’s a little bumi!

[ID: A painting of Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender in the South Pole, wearing a long blue coat with designs on the front and a big white fur-lined hood and sleeves. Her braid is pulled to the side over her chest, and she is smiling as she pulls aside her hood with one hand, looking back at a young Bumi II, who is resting inside Katara’s hood and peeking out at his mother. The background is gray and white. End ID.] @atladescribed
