#burial practices


“When the structure was built, it was situated in a residential and agricultural area on the border of two neighborhoods in Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire…They also found remains of channels and a jetty where farmers would have been able to load and unload goods from artificial crop lands constructed in shallow lake beds.”

“Similar jars, some of which span up to three metres high and two metres wide, have previously been uncovered in Laos and Indonesia.”

Smithsonian Magazine. “Researchers Find Potential Evidence of Oldest-Known Mummification”

““These practices would…underscore the significance of the burial places and the importance of bringing the dead to these locations in a manner that contained and protected the body, following principles that were culturally regulated,””

*CW: Depictions of skeletal and mummification of human remains.

“…the bundle was finally excavated in late 2021, revealing an individual from the Middle Sican period around AD 900-1050. Based on the type of good associated within the bundle, the researchers suggest that the individual likely served as a surgeon.”
