#but any option is good


Place your bets now, strawberry scones, who do you think is most likely to get in a fight with Monty in 9x10 (esp over how he’s been treating Felicia)?

A) Sid

B) Bunty

C) Flambeau

D)  Mrs. M who will not get into a physical fight with Monty, but will subject him to the most brutal of cutting jabs and withering stares

E) Fr. Brown who will not get into a physical fight with Monty either but will tell him how *very* disappointed he is and how he can’t just stand by and watch his dear friend Lady F get hurt (and isn’t that somehow so much worse than a clock to the jaw).

F) Felicia

G) Any combination of the above

H) Other (share who and how in the replies, tags, or comments)

I) No One  (*insert frown face emoji*)
