#but are otherwise nowhere to be found


you know what? it’s so disheartening to make gifs and post them here to only get so many notes and then see them in every other social media platform with no credit. I just saw one of my gifs being used on youtube (without credit), and I know they’re probably all over twitter even though I honestly don’t have the courage to go there anymore to check, and just, what the fuck. I know most people like to think gifs just make themselves and show up on their tl one day out of nowhere but that’s not true.

and, please, I’m not complaining about the people who like/reblog my stuff and repost them WITH credit. I make gifs because I love to do it and it makes me happy that people enjoy them. I’m complaining about the people who feel the right to just download them and post them elsewhere like it’s nothing… if someone does that to a fanfic or a fanvid, everybody understands it’s not okay. why is that different when it comes to gifs? because gif-makers aren’t creators? because we don’t put enough effort? because you think gifs are supposed to just be thrown around like memes are? because they have no artistic value?

I’m just tired.

tumblr gif-makers aren’t here to supply gifs for other plataforms. stop.
