#but as always






This is an experiment to see if there really are as few of us as people think.You can also use this to freak out your followers who think you’re 25 or something. Yay!

Join us; we have snacks!

[Gif showing a male actor dancing down the stairs outside a house

End ID.]

Dear all:

I guess my blog won’t stay long, and so will I. And this will probably be my last message to all of you, since I think it’s just too bad for me to leave without saying any word. Well I’m not gonna argue whether I’m right or wrong anymore, since people out there could just say whatever they like. I have only one mouth and it’s impossible for me to make even a whisper out of these noises. Anyway just let me say a last thank you to of you who have ever followed me, talked to me and become friends with me (though I swear many people will regret doing so after knowing that I’m such a horrible person), especially those who have persisted following me and sent me supportive messages after all these shits have happened. But I’m so sorry that I really couldn’t reply all of your messages. Yeah you know what I mean.. And in fact I’m really surprised that I still have so many supporters despite after knowing that I’m such a horrible person:


I love you all and I just can’t express enough gratitude to everyone of you. Originally I could post stuffs and talk to all of you just like everyday before. But shits happened in life. Just because of one person, and my intuition tells me that it’s her, who created that new blog and that post (she has previously sent me a message and told me that she’s going to create a list for me). Yes, ONLY for me. When I asked her why she wouldn’t make one for others as well, she just didn’t answer that. Nah of course she loves me so much. Maybe I’ve owed her a huge debt in my previous life? Well now I’m not gonna say I’m 100% sure she’s that person anymore, since I’d be accused of harassing her. I’m truly sorry and I apologize if she’s not that person. But it’s TRUE that she has sent me that message. So what a coincidence? Anyway it’s just so pathetic seeing someone who doesn’t have the gut to make that post in her own blog. Why afraid of letting others know if you think that you’re doing it right? Anyway I think I should be satisfied with all I’ve got so far. It’s actually my biggest wish to have a blog of my own, to gain a bunch of followers, and then become famous (though I’m famous for such a fucking reason right now lol) Now I’ve fulfilled all of them within 3 months, and it’s actually my biggest achievement in my whole life. And I guess not everyone will have the chance to come across so many shits in such a short period of time lol And I’m so glad to be the one who could have these fruitful experiences in my life. But everything will end eventually, right? If my blog doesn’t end now, it’ll finally end one day, maybe by some other pathetic cowards. It’s just a matter of time. I just felt that it’s like a curse which has been following me since the day I joined tumblr. Some people out there just wanted me to step down and they’ve finally succeeded. Now I guess they are laughing happily in front of the screen because they’ve made someone feel like shits. This is fate. If god wants me to die, there’s no escape for me. Anyway I still didn’t regret joining tumblr. It’s the best place (as well as the most horrible place though) that I’ve been to in my life. It also taught me some important lessons in life, I guess? For instance, being famous is not that great as all of us have expected? Don’t be so greedy and in crave of fame so much? Don’t be dominated by fame since it will really make you fall to the bottom of the valley? Or even to hell? But I’ve just fallen into these traps exactly. Such fail lol Nevertheless I still had so many happy times here. I would have been so lonely without all of you. It was always enjoyable for me to talk and rp with you guys here and I’m truly happy, really. I’m also really happy that so many of you love my blog as well. But I’m so sorry to disappoint you that I won’t be able to run it anymore. Yes I’ve killed my blog with my own hands because of my stubbornness and immaturity. Nah I’ve already said that I’m a hopeless horrible person and I deserve it. Again, this is my fate. Alright I guess I’ve said enough? I don’t want to bore all of you to sleep even through my last message. Lastly thank you again. I will miss, and will never forget all of you.

Farewell guys.



