#but as long as my hels is happy

‘They are very much in love, and that is obvious if you only spend a few minutes in their company. W‘They are very much in love, and that is obvious if you only spend a few minutes in their company. W‘They are very much in love, and that is obvious if you only spend a few minutes in their company. W‘They are very much in love, and that is obvious if you only spend a few minutes in their company. W‘They are very much in love, and that is obvious if you only spend a few minutes in their company. W‘They are very much in love, and that is obvious if you only spend a few minutes in their company. W‘They are very much in love, and that is obvious if you only spend a few minutes in their company. W‘They are very much in love, and that is obvious if you only spend a few minutes in their company. W‘They are very much in love, and that is obvious if you only spend a few minutes in their company. W‘They are very much in love, and that is obvious if you only spend a few minutes in their company. W

‘They are very much in love, and that is obvious if you only spend a few minutes in their company. Without wishing to sound negative, they are the sort of couple who are so in love that the children are secondary to the parents’ love story. She is very unguarded and genuine, and, in a way, really an innocent, and he just sits there looking at her adoringly and saying not an awful lot.’- A friend of Helena Bonham Carter & Tim Burton.

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