#but ask away if you like



1. Tell us about your WIP!

2. Where is your favorite place to write?

3. What is your favorite/least favorite part about writing?

4. Do you have any writing habits/rituals?

5. Top five formative books?

6. Favorite character you’ve written?

7. Favorite/most inspirational book?

8. Do you have any writing buddies or critique partners?

9. Favorite/least favorite tropes?

10. Pick an author (or writing friend) to co-write a book with

11. What are you planning to work on next?

12. Which story of yours do you like best? why?

13. Describe your writing process

14. What does it take for you to be ready to write a book? (i.e. do you research? outline? make a playlist or pinterest board? wing it?)

15. How do you deal with self-doubt when writing?

16. Cover love/dream covers?

17. What things (scenes/topics/character types) are you most comfortable writing?

18. Tell us about that one book you’ll never let anyone read

19. How do you cope with writer’s block?

20. Any advice for young writers/advice you wish someone would have given you early on?

21. What aspect of your writing are you most proud of?

22. Tell us about the books on your “to write” list

23. Most anticipated upcoming books?

24. Do you remember the moment you decided to become a writer/author?

25. What’s your worldbuilding process like?

26. What’s the most research you’ve ever put into a book?

27. Every writer’s least favorite question - where does your inspiration come from? Do you do certain things to make yourself more inspired? Is it easy for you to come up with story ideas?

28. How do you stay focused on your own work and how do you deal with comparison?

29. Is writing more of a hobby or do you write with the intention of getting published?

30. Do you like to read books similar to your project while you’re drafting or do you stick to non-fiction/un-similar works?

31. Top five favorite books in your genre?

32. On average how much do you write in a day? do you have trouble staying focused/getting the word count in?

33. What’s your revision/rewriting process like?

34. Unpopular writing thoughts/opinions?

35. Post the last sentence you wrote

36. Post a snippet

37. Do you ever write long handed or do you prefer to type everything?

38. How do you nail voice in your books?

39. Do you spend a lot of time analyzing and studying the work of authors you admire?

40. Do you look up to any of your writer buddies?

41. Are there any books you feel have shaped you as a writer?

42. How many drafts do you usually write before you feel satisfied?

43. How do you deal with rejection?

44. Why (and when) did you decide to become a writer?

45. First or third person?

46. Past or present tense?

47. Single or dual/multi POV?

48. Do you prefer to write skimpy drafts and flesh them out later, or write too much and cut it back?

49. Favorite fictional world?

50. Do you share your rough drafts or do you wait until everything is all polished?

51. Are you a secretive writer or do you talk with your friends about your books?

52. Who do you write for?

53. What is the first line of your WIP?

54. Favorite first line/opening you’ve written?

55. How do you manage your time/make time for writing? (do you set aside time to write every day or do you only write when you have a lot of free time?)
