#but babies

:Meet my dog, Tjork. People are often scared of him when they first meet him because he’s a huge d:Meet my dog, Tjork. People are often scared of him when they first meet him because he’s a huge d:Meet my dog, Tjork. People are often scared of him when they first meet him because he’s a huge d


Meet my dog, Tjork. People are often scared of him when they first meet him because he’s a huge dog. The picture doesn’t do him justice. Tjork is part Great Dane, part Rottweiler, and part Black Labrador. He is the biggest teddy bear of a dog. Recently, my mom was doing some work on our house when Tjork came up to her and dropped a newborn baby bunny at her feet. He didn’t hurt it at all, just carried it to her. Its eyes weren’t even open yet. My mom started calling the vet, but before she could finish dialing the phone, Tjork carried over a second newborn baby bunny. Both bunnies were in distress and clearly needed medical attention. My mom brought them to the vet where they have recently opened their eyes and started gaining weight. They’ll be released back into the wild pretty soon! My big bear of a dog saved these little babies lives. He’s the best mamma. Don’t judge a book by its big galumph of a cover. 

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