#but bakugou



I have a new baby in the family and Baku is my go to person for my maladaptive daydreams so—

Just thinking about Domestic Dilf Bakugou again. How he learns that Sunday’s, after knocking you up and wifing you, are meant for cleaning and family time.

He wakes up to you and your newborn beside him. The baby is latched onto your nipple, the sun barely peaking over the horizon, as you look half sleep while feeding your baby boy. Your eyes are soft as you use your free hand to brush away blond curls that tickle his red eyes. The baby blinks back up at you sleepily, suckling softly and trying his best to coo around the nipple in his mouth.

It makes you smile. Makes you think back on how lucky you truly are.

You jerk slightly at the stir beside you, when a large hand brushes the rest of your sons hair back from his face. Your son seems unbothered though, just blinks his sleepy little eyes, slows on his suckling as he leans into his dads touch.

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living in my head rent free for the rest of my life
