#but being flawed is like the whole theme of dragon age


I pretty much spent my whole holiday vacation playing Dragon Age II again, and I have no regrets. Just scattered thoughts and feelings after finishing today: 

  • I am overcome with emotion at Zevran helping Hawke in the final battle for no reason other than, “This random person was nice to me one time.” 
  • I still want to smooch my dwarf. 
  • Anders gets the award for most helpful character in that he resolved so many dialog prompts for me that I don’t think my Hawke could get herself to the bathroom without having him follow her. 
  • Also, I romanced Anders in this playthrough, and I was cool with all the murder and spirit possession and taint. However, when he said he wanted to have kids, that’s where I wanted to abandon him and swim all the way back to Ferelden. 
  • Hanker is an incredible name for a desire demon, and I’d probably join her cult honestly. 

Welp, those are the important notes, I think. Thanks for yet another great experience, Dragon Age II! Until next time.
