#but brandon




I’m kinda sad that Syphfride is available for limited summon. LoH is starting to loose their good point. It will start to feel like genshin now

I was excited for the summon system cause “hey, I can the units from contracts”. And it was special, only contract heroes.

But now with the new limited summons like light Syphfride, that just reminds me of genshin.

LoH is all about recruiting heroes with in game currency and like better 5* units are in packs for irl money. It’s very f2p friendly! But now, it starts to feel more like p2p kinda game

It’s kinda sad that there’s more p2p and gacha elements in LoH

I have to disagree on p2p. There is absolutely no need to pay money to play. You can finish extreme mode without spending a cent and buying heroes won’t necessarily make it easier or faster. Sure the heroes you can buy have better skill sets but most of these skills are also available on f2p heroes.

As for the gacha it’s also not really a p2p feature. You only need a maximum of 60 summons to get Syphride so 3k linkstones. That’s not that much imo. This is in NO WAY like Genshin impact. 60 summons is not much since you can summon 10 times at once for only 500 link stones. Sure you’d have to save them up and it will take time and effort to get them but there are several ways to get link stones other than buying them with money. It’s way harder or rather almost impossible to get characters in Genshin Impact without spending money.

It also doesn’t bother me that you can probably not get every summon hero because that’s normal. Even for non-gacha games. At the beginning of loh you also couldn’t get everyone because of the contracts so this doesn’t really change anything imo. You can play the game perfectly fine without summoning.

I don’t get why you get mad at a new gameplay mechanic and call loh a gacha game like the only way to get characters is through gacha. It’s literally only Syphride who is exclusive to summoning. You can get everyone else through contracts, crystals, gold and renown. And you get most of these the same way as link stones: grinding, finishing tasks, buying them with in game currencies eg in the event or alchemite shop or through coupons. Just save up your link stones for the heroes you really want
