#but for what


I wrote a thing. Can you guess what it’s for ?

Crowley sat at his desk, head in his hand as he went over reports. Glancing at the time, he sighed in annoyance. His next ‘meeting’ was late. Hitting a button on his office phone, it took barely a moment for his secretary to pick up. “Meg, where the bloody hell is Astaroth?”

There was a pause. “He’s out of country, sir.”

“Well, where the bloody hell to? Why wasn’t I informed?” Now Crowley is pissed and he’s not even trying to hide it. With Lucifer in prison, he’s in charge now, they answer to him.

“Lucifer’s orders, sir. He’s on his way to Fiji as we speak.”

Crowley went quiet. There was only one reason Lucifer would be sending anyone to Fiji. “Very well. Find me someone else who’s competent and available then. And next time, tell me so I’m not waiting around here like a bloody moron for someone who’s not coming.”

“Sorry sir, I-”

Crowley hung up before she could finish her apology. He had to work fast. Meg was the best secretary in this damn place, it wouldn’t take her long to find someone else and send them up. He reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a burner he had stashed in there for emergencies. He flipped it open, and dialed. Letting it ring once, he then hung up and dialed again.

A voice came on the line after the second ring. “Yeah?”

“Astaroth was sent to Fiji.”


“I don’t know, but he’s on a plane as we speak.”

“Understood. I’ll be on the next plane out of here. Thanks for the heads up, Crowley.”

“We both want the same thing, Aaron. Or near enough, anyways. Good luck.”
