#but got them wings


Yeah, i’m bored. So, here’s a bit about a minor character in Affinity for Pain and an excerpt because I saw @kclenhartnovels post to share one and now I have to.

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Leo the bird winged tech demon

(yes,@lux-scriptum​ I said wings)


  • Leo is a bird shifter of a sort, his wings never really go away but he can also fully take the form of a giant bird.
  • He’s extremely good with computers which makes him an asset to the gang when they need to do some hacking.
  • He’s a bit of an asshole, being as arrogant as he is.
  • He’s also not a fan of shirts.

Here’s Leo’s introduction:

The door was more rust than steel, at this point in its life, and it squeaked so loud the rats in the alley next to it stopped what they were doing to see what the awful noise was.  Once inside, the smell overwhelmed Hope.  It was so sweet, and Hope could almost feel that it was sticky.  She put a hand over her mouth and looked around the space.  Amongst the various wires that hung from the ceiling, baskets of circuit boards, and industrial remnants of the acrylic factory that the building had once been, were orange slices, hundreds of them.  Hope gagged.

“Oranges?  Really?”

“Ever heard of an oriole?”

“The bird?”

“Yeah.  They love oranges and sugar.  The Icarus demon is a sort of bird shifter, with a few very specific traits.  The bird in him likes oranges; it’s all he eats, really, sometimes insects.  If he’s pressed for choices, that is.”

“Gross.”  Hope tried to take breaths through her mouth to reduce her perception of the smell.

“Don’t tell him that,” Dimitri headed to the back of the long building toward a door labeled ‘Office,’ “Follow me, if you would.”

Hope followed but still had to hold her nose.  Normally, her sense of smell was a blessing, but now, it was in severe overdrive, and everything was making her sick to her stomach.  When they reached the “office,” the room was, if possible, messier than the front.  Strange contraptions, dismantled computers, and at least twenty monitors decorated the room.

“Leo!  Where are you!?”  Dimitri shouted into the room turning in circles.

Then, the room was engulfed in a blinding light, and a man’s figure was silhouetted against the glow.  The man slowly descended with his arms held out in a wide-open embrace, his black wings tipped orange.  Dimitri leaned in close to whisper to Hope.

“He’s also one of the most arrogant bastards I’ve ever met.”

