#but holy shit is it a good one



In the first half of season 3, we (along with golden boy Isak) are introduced to this mysterious, sexy, confident, hot guy who just definescool. 


and it is what it is. We actually experience what Isak is feeling and basically what it is like when you get a crush and you see them as the most beautiful, cool and sexy person you have ever met, to the point that you forget that they are real. You feel so inadequate against them and you get it into your head that someone that incredible could never like someone like you back. 

But then we get the second half of the season, which shows us what it is like to truly fall in love with this person. The facade we had of Even is completely blown up. 


From being into ‘lame’ pop songs and corny ass shit, to having true problems and issues that he has to fight every day. We get past the infatuation and illusion of a crush with Isak, and begin to experience true love. Because even though the sexy appeal that the cool mysterious hot boy gave us, was thrilling at the time, what is even better and amazing, is finding someone who not only lets you see into their entire soul; but the essence of their being makes you a better person. And you love them not in spite of everything they are that isn’t ‘glamorous’ and sexy, but because of them. 

We literally fall even deeper in love with Even, when we discover the real true Even with Isak. And oh my gosh I will forever be grateful, that we got to experience what it is like to fall in love with Even Bech Næsheim, along with Isak. 
