#but i also didnt write anything in weeks again


Wow, I didn’t update in forever, did I? I’m sorry. To say I’ve been busy would be quite accurate, but on the other hand you always have time on the evenings, right? And I’m usually on tumblr anyways, so…

Well, I’ve traveled to Shanghai with the other volunteer during this week. We left Beijing on Monday morning and came back Friday noon. It was amazing in Shanghai; that city is so damn beautiful, green and clean, everything Beijing isn’t, to be honest. The river area (Puxi and Pudong) is stunning and seriously a thing to see during night. I’ve done CouchSurfing again and had the nicest hosts!! One of them showed me/us Shanghai’s nightlife, while the other went out eating with me. Their lifestyle was really different, so once again I was able to see through two different pairs of eyes, which I really value about CouchSurfing.
During my free time I’ve wandered through the streets of this awesome city, together with another Girl I met on CSurf, who was a local and normally a tourist guide. She showed me famous parts and were able to explain some historical stuff as well. I had so much fun with all of them!!

On Wednesday I traveled to Suzhou with the other volunteer and his old friend. Suzhou is a “small” city about 30 mins with the fast train away from Shanghai with some historical temples (as usual) and called a “Watertown” (though it didn’t really match up to that noun…I was quite disappointed). In the end I spent half of the day in a nice, green park, reading and sleeping. :-D

Thursday evening we took the train back to Beijing. It was a slow train and to save money we chose seats, which was a reaaaaal bad idea. The train took 15 hours and the seats were hard and real small space with tons of people around us and the lights were on the whole night. It would’ve been my funeral if I hadn’t been smart enough to take my mom’s neck cushion with me. My back’s still sore, ugh……

Anyways, except the ride back to Beijing the whole journey was damn fucking (excuse the language) awesome! I’ve meet amazing, open-minded people with exciting lifestyles and once more I’m stunned about the country I live in right now. :-)
Pictures will follow when I’ve been able to connect my new phone to my laptop… It’s not quite working right.

Mascha :-)))
