#but i am really doubting any if this



You know what’s sad?

I don’t listen to podcasts. According to stats only 55% of people in the US have listened to a podcast and only 37% had listened to a podcast in one month. So it’s a growing market and depending on your taste what you listen to may have a small audience.

Netflix counted on this. With Archive 81 they knew the majority of people wouldn’t be aware it’s based on a podcast or have knowledge of the storyline. They can present it as an original idea and seriously change the source material without much complaint.

I liked the show, though it had an extremely predictable plot. It’s trending on Netflix so clearly it’s captured an audience. I always Google shows after I watch them and I felt my stomach drop when I saw an article about Melody’s character being straightwashed. As I read it I wanted to cry from frustration because how am I supposed to trust that any adaptation with LGBTQ+ characters will be respected. This isn’t the first time that I had to experience this and I’m sick of it.

But whats really sickening to me is no change will happen. Most people won’t care that the storys been changed, one because they liked the show and are attached to the characters, but two because most people don’t even know the lead females sexuality has been erased which Netflix fucking counted on.
