#but i cant


I thought after seeing my mom go out and vote for tr*mp last election was the final nail in the coffin, but I think today might have one upped that. Hearing her say “its not a Don’t say gay bill per say” and then go on about teachers and students shouldn’t take about being gay and/or having two moms/dads. Yep, yep. I now fully see the kind of person she is. I know that, at the end of the day, she votes for and supports people and legislations that want me dead.

My face is in pain and all I wanna do is sleep ☺

I don’t even understand what this is, so don’t ask please,,,honestly I just had an idea and went wit

I don’t even understand what this is, so don’t ask please,,,honestly I just had an idea and went with it hhhaha yikes. And I didn’t even maKE A BACKGROUND FOR IT I F-

another thing for the #septicart thing of Anti aka @therealjacksepticeye and wowie I need to stop saying thing so mucH

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Does anyone else feel, like, a weird inhibition against starting new TV shows?  Like, there are shows I want to watch but when I think about sitting down to start it something in me goes “no you can’t just do that.”  What am i waiting for?  I feel like I need to prepare?  Brain:  You have to wait.  Me:  Wait for what???  Brain:  WAIT

I found out recently that it’s due to not having enough emotional or mental space to process something new. Got too much going on in your own head/real life already.

dear doctor ep 7

i did love this episode simply for expanding the lore more and how the soul reapers work (the underworld has an HR department! lolll which i guess makes sense, otherwise, it’d be total anarchy with the soul reapers who were on vacation still on the clock and payroll…)

but i did not like all the whiplash the ep produced. first, prakan was adorable! wearing the hawaiian shirt of his own volition and going on totally-not-dates with tua! adorable! heart-stopping!


then the show finally killed off prakan’s mother (she was battling cancer and the signs she was getting killed were right there from the start but still…the whole storyline felt repetitive considering prakan only has one mode whenever death happens around him…)

the broody angsty muffin who’s all like ‘i hate you and my life is so much simpler and happier without you in it, tuaphee!’ reappears. not that he was gone for long or that we like him that much…


i’m trying to be understanding but the dude makes it tough.

i also realllly, reallly thought we were making some headway of the romantic variety. u just dont have an awkward reunion hug in a random hospital stairway unless u have feelings for the guy. i dunno, but i’m assuming u wouldnt…

this happened last ep–but u cant tell me this isnt a dude Going Through Feelings:

whenever someone tries to flirt with me:

but anyways, i find tua wayyy too handsome for his own good:

is nathee objectively handsome?? sure. but do i trust him?? def not, no siree.

with univ I’m starting to question “what is sleep?” LEGIT can someone tell me what is it??


  • earbuds in at all times
  • dances alone in room
  • liked that “before it was cool”
  • stares in the distance when sad song
  • googles song lyrics
  • owns the acoustic and remix version

So I have a cute bechloe prompt, but not sure who accepts them or not? Thanks guys!
