#but i needed to vent


So uh. Not to get political on main, but something I’ve never seen mentioned before is that part of the reason why Americans are so interested in geneology (i.e. “oh yeah my great-great grandpa was from Sweden!”) even when they’re several generations removed from the time their family immigrated is that:

a.) we want something that is unique to us; American culture seems widespread (to us, at least) bc of colonization and imperialism so we latch onto things that make us different or unite us in a smaller group bc we live in a culture that highly values individuality

and b.) the alternative is being from America

which is an idea that a lot of people see as Bad bc of rampant nationalism and bigotry that’s often associated with “patriots” in the US

Anyways. One day a long ass time ago some Norwegian dude decided he didn’t want to live in Norway anymore, and now I have the right to face crippling student debt and healthcare that costs more than my house
